Bone is composed of minerals and is difficult, many people think it is not living matter. However, a bone of a living animal is composed of both living tissue and inert substances. In the "living bone" are blood vessels, nerves, collagen and living cells.
In addition, bone contains cells called osteocytes, which are mature osteoblasts that have completed their bone-forming careers. These cells participate in the metabolic exchange with the blood flowing through bone. The nonliving, but very important, substances in bone are the minerals and salts. Besides the metabolically active cellular portion of bone tissue, bone is also composed of a matrix (a union of multiple fibers and chemicals) of different materials, including primarily collagen fibers and crystalline salts. The crystalline salts deposited in the bone matrix is composed mainly of calcium and phosphate combine to form hydroxyapatite crystals. As you can see, the chemical formula for hydroxyapatite crystals includes molecules of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (PO4) and hydroxyl (OH) (Katja , 2007, 152-159)
Rickets is a constitutional disease of infancy and childhood, characterized by the deterioration of general health, growth arrested, the abnormal proliferation of the classification of developing bones. Children with rickets are restless at night and often sleep poorly. The constant movement of the head on the pillow can wear their hair. If this condition continues, the child's normal development is retarded. Suffer from marked weakness in the bones, and there is a considerable delay in sitting, crawling and walking. Body weight can bend the bones and joints in a way that causes deformities such as bowed legs, pigeon breast, and hit his knees.
Premature babies are more likely to have rickets. Therefore, there must be adequate amounts of vitamin D. The danger is great for dark-skinned children who live in colder climates. Because of the oblique rays of the sun, rickets occur more frequently during the winter months. Babies fed with breast milk are more likely to develop rickets if the mother is a well balanced diet.
Hyperemia of all structures of the bone, the periosteum, bone, cartilage and bone, is the first step in the development of the rib injury. As a result, we have the proliferation of cartilage cells, developmental delay and irregular bones, softening of the matrix vascularization, excessive spongy tissue, and weakness and deformity of the bones in various parts of the body.
The weight of the bones decreases. The vascularity of the bone is larger. In some cases, the blue color due to increased vascularity can be seen even through the thick scalp. Outside the missing bones may find streaks of muscles, excessive fat in the connective tissue between muscle fibers and the rare occurrence of fatty degeneration of muscle fibers themselves. The liver is often enlarged spleen and less frequently.
Rickets is a deficiency of vitamin D in the diet (which contains an excess of grain, but insufficient milk, butter and eggs) or lack of adequate sunlight necessary for the maintenance of an adequate absorption of calcium and phosphorus for bone ...