Body Image And Adolescent

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Body image and Adolescent

Body image and Adolescent

"Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need." - Will Rogers.

Part 1

“The Nikon S60. Detects up to 12 faces.”

The campaign was produced by the ad agency Euro RSCG/Singapore

Retrieved from on 15th October 2012.

This advertisement is targeted towards youth. This is an advertisement made by one of the most famous camera producing organizations named Nikon. The advertisement targets the much obvious issue of the adolescents who are continuously worried about their body image. It targets the sexiness and the maintenance of the bodies of two young beautiful teenagers who are posing in front of the Nikon Camera. The basic idea behind this advertisement is that with Nikon, you will look hot and pretty and it's used to capture every beauty there is.

The advertisement is mass marketed but the main focus is set on teenagers, who are at a growing age and confused of their sexuality and the image of their bodies. The advertisement is made for both males and females. The females are attracted towards the maintenance of the body that the two beautiful girls have managed to keep and the attraction for males is the obvious girls in the advertisement. Furthermore, the party lifestyle of the teenagers is highlighted in the advertisement.

The advertisement sends a subliminal message to the teenage girls that this is the ideal body that they want and all the cool and sexy girls want to be pictured by this camera. In addition to that, the advertisement portrays the social lifestyle of these girls and that they are so perfectly shaped and maintained that they are comfortable in being pictured and have no shame or embarrassment about it. Furthermore, another subliminal message is that it is cool to be pictured and videotaped in minimal or no clothing on the body. This is another exploitation of the lifestyle of the adolescents in the modern world.

The interpretation may be very different for this advertisement by the boys and girls of the same age. The girls may see this as two beautiful girls with a perfect body posing in front of the camera with nothing to fear. These girls are not embarrassed or confused of how their body would look or how they will be judged by the boys of the same age as any boy would be extremely lucky to have them. Furthermore, the girls are comfortable enough to be pictured as they not self conscious. Beautiful girls like these, are mostly talked about at school. They do not fear of being judged as they cover everything with their sexiness and their body image. Thus, it may be interpreted by the girls this age that the camera may highlight a better version of their own body image.

As far as the boys are concerned, they interpret this advertisement in a totally different way. They see two hot girls who are not afraid to pose in front of a Nikon ...
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