Black Males Behavior

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Media Effect on the Self-Image and Social Behavior of Black Males


This research will analyze the behavior of Black males in a holistic context. The research will address the discrimination and inequality issues related to black males in America and try to gauge its effect on their behaviors.

Table of Contents



Research Questions4

Literature Review5


Ethical Issues7







Media Effect on the Self-Image and Social Behavior of Black Males


Here, we are going to do research on the changes occurred in the behavior of black males after facing inequalities and injustice. Historically, racism and other forms of discrimination (e.g., in employment, health care, education, housing, etc.) as imposed by the dominant culture in this country has inflicted a variety of harsh socio-political and socioeconomic sanctions and injustices on Black people in general and especially some Black males. As a result, many Black males have become frustrated, angry, embittered, alienated and inpatient. To help ease the tension, conflict, worry and pain, some Black males have learned to mistrust the words and actions of the dominant culture.

To cope, many Black males have channeled their creative energies into the construction of a symbolic universe and have adopted unique “poses” and “postures” (e.g., in their speech, gesture, clothes, stances, hairstyles, walk, and demeanor; in acting cairn, emotionless, fearless, masculine, aloof, detached, tough, and secure) to offset this externally imposed “zero” image. To some Black males, these poses and postures which are ways to act “cool” show the dominant culture (and themselves) that they are strong, proud, and survivors irrespective of what may be done to harm them, some Black males were denied access to the dominant culture acceptable avenues of expression, they created a form of expression: “cool pose”.

Research Questions

What are the media effect on the self-image and social behavior of black males?

How media have effected on black males?

What are the reasons which effected on social behavior of black males?

Literature Review

Cool pose is a term that is used to describe a variety of defined and undefined psychological defenses and coping mechanisms. These psychological defenses and coping mechanisms describe certain attitudes and/or actions of some Black males via particular poses and postures. These attitudes and/or actions have come to be firmly entrenched in the psyche of these males as established performances and rituals which involve roles, social fronts, facades, shields, and other masking behaviors that seek social competence, self-esteem and pride (e.g., control, inner strength, balance, stability, confidence, security and masculinity) as its goal. On the other hand, those poses and postures that have an expressive quality and/or nature have become known in the literature as the “expressive life style”.

The expressive life style is a way that some Black males may pose and posture (that is, act cool) by actively displaying particular performances that accentuate the self and thereby emphasize particular creative expressions. Black athletes, with their stylish dunking of the basketball, the in the end zone, and the different styles of handshakes (e.g. high fives) are just a few of the examples of ...
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