Biological Psychology

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Biological Psychology

Biological Psychology

Introduction      According to Wickens ? biological psychology can be characterized by "the study of the brain and how it interacts with the determinants and behavior." (Hergenhahn 2005) The Agency of psychology ? which studies how the brain and neurotransmitters leverage behavior ? thoughts and feelings. Discussion Human Brain

The human brain consists of only three divisions; hindbrain ? midbrain and forebrain.

Major Division





Neocortex; Basal Ganglia; Amygdala; Hippocampus; Lateral Ventricles


Thalamus; Hypothalamus; Epithalamus; Third Ventricle



Tectum; Tegmentum; Cerebral Aqueduct



Cerebellum; Pons; Fourth Ventricle


Medulla Oblongata; Fourth Ventricle

Brain Structure

1.   Hindbrain- structures in the peak part of the spinal cord ? controls rudimentary biological purposes that hold us alive.

a.  Medulla- controls body-fluid force ? heart rate ? and breathing

b.  Pons- connects the hindbrain with the mid and forebrain ? furthermore engaged in the command of facial expressions

c.  Cerebellum- portion of the smaller brain that coordinates and organizes whole body movements for balance and accuracy. (Overskeid 2007)

2.   Midbrain-between the hind and forebrain ? coordinates easy movements with sensory information.

3.   Forebrain- controls what we believe of as considered and reason.

a.  Thalamus- portion of the smaller brain that purposes mainly as a centered relay position for incoming and outgoing notes from the body to the brain and the brain to the body

b.  Hypothalamus- portion of the smaller brain that regulates rudimentary desires (hunger ? thirst) and strong sentiments for example delight ? worry ? storm ? and sexuality

c.  Amygdala and Hippocampus- two arms surrounding the thalamus ? significant in how we method and see recollection and emotion (Mandler 2007)


     The brain is a convoluted ? versatile ? and flexible mesh that controls our behaviors and mental processes. The evolutionary psychology approach ? which emphasizes the significance of adaptation ? reproduction ? and natural assortment in interpreting psychology ? considers how the human tense scheme has developed to its convoluted present state. Most researchers accept as factual that demeanour is very resolute by the interaction of the natural environment and the organism's biological inheritance. This section focuses on neuroscience ? the locality of specialization in psychology that investigations the tense system. (Hergenhahn 2005)

     Contemporary expertise permits neuroscientists to discover the structure and function of the brain very effectively. Some of the methods that are utilised are the study of routinely happening brain lesioning in humans and lesioning of the brains of lab animals ...
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