Bio Fuel Production From Algea

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Bio Fuel Production from Algea


This paper focuses on the production of the bio fuel from Algea. It also focuses on its objectives, significance and impact on nature. The comparison of various other fuels is also provided in this paper. The main impact of bio fuel production from Algea is to reduce the emission of Carbon Dioxide. Bio fuel from Algea has been forming for millions of years; the first organisms on Earth are thought to be more than 600 million years old. These organisms, if buried before decay, can generate bio fuel from Algea through a maturation process in the absence of oxygen.



Bio Fuel is a fossil fuel existing in deposits in the Earth over wide regions of the globe. It is composed of hydrocarbons, which are molecules of hydrogen and carbon of up to five different combustible gases, and traces of other gases such as nitrogen, hydrogen Sulfide, carbon dioxide, and helium. The type of hydrocarbon gas depends on the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. Methane is the primary gas of bio fuel, having just one carbon atom per molecule. As a result, it is the cleanest burning fossil fuel, with less carbon than the equivalent amount of oil or coal. The greenhouse gases of bio fuel are methane, carbon dioxide (CO2), and minor amounts of nitrous oxide.

The combustion of bio fuel releases CO2 and nitrous oxide. Combustion is a rapid form of oxidation in which carbon will bond with oxygen as carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. Gasoline is not bio fuel, but is instead refined from oil. By contrast, gasoline has 8-11 carbon atoms, so produces more CO2 per unit of energy. Therefore, using bio fuel as a fuel, from a greenhouse gas point of view, is better than other fossil fuels. However, this does not take into account cost and practicality. CO2 by volume is not considered as significant a greenhouse gas as methane. Methane is reported as 21 times stronger in its entrapment of heat in the atmosphere. Methane in the atmosphere has other sources besides bio fuel. Living organisms, such as livestock, are considered major sources of methane in the atmosphere. (A. Ghazi, 2002)


The objective of this paper is to find the methods of production of bio fuel from Algea. The increased value also spurs exploration for new deposits at depths of 4 mi. (6.4 km.), and the development of nontraditional sources, such as from landfills and coal seams. The production of natural gas from coal beds, known as coal bed methane, is through wells drilled into the coal. This same gas has been the source of coalmine explosions when not properly ventilated. The production of coal bed methane can reduce the eventual release of methane to the atmosphere through mining operations.


Most of the methane in the atmosphere is the result of living organisms such as livestock, and not bio fuel from Algea. Bio fuel from Algea is sequestered in the Earth until ...
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