Bill Gates

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Bill Gates


It is fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure - Bill Gates

Bill Gates is one of the most brilliant individuals in the world. He is an American businessman, co-founder of software company Microsoft, producer of Windows, the operating system most widely used personal computer in the world. Bill Gates revolutionized the technology and made sure that almost each and every household has one of his creations. I have selected Bill Gates as the topic of my research as I admire him due to his brilliance and innovative mind. I researched about Bill Gates from different online libraries like EBESCO, Phenoix, Liberty etc. following are some of the articles I reviewed for my research.

Book Source

Wallace, James. & Erickson, Jim. “Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire,” HarperBusiness, (1993), pp. 45-90

This book is written by James Wallace and Jim Erickson. This book highlights the entire career of Bill Gates and the foundation of one of the biggest leading organization in the world. The book described the struggles of Bill Gates and how he managed to build a successful empire even though he did not complete his education. The book also highlights the mistakes made by Gates on several occasions and how he was able to rectify them. According to the book, Gates was frequently criticized for his business tactics because people think that they are uncompetitive and do not promote healthy competition in the market. Despite of the critique on his managerial skills and his leadership style, he managed to create a product that is known in the world and has become so important that people cannot do without it. This is the reason Bill Gates has been so successful throughout his life. He was among the wealthiest people in the world and still is. He has earned fame, money and reputation from the product that he has produced. It has given him success, and has paved way for many others to follow his footsteps. He was a great innovator and a creative person.

The authors have made a good job in determining what the future will be like. The analysis of Gates' psychology, the corporate culture of Microsoft and its evolution, and the various spasms of its early years are all right on the money, and particularly interesting in light of the current DOJ proceedings. The material in the book about Ballmer will be of interest to anyone keeping current with his rise in management at the company. The book has been very informative for me. I got a detailed account of the life and struggle of Bill Gates and the foundation of Microsoft. I learned about the different aspect of the foundation of one of the biggest empire in the world.

I found this book in the library under the technology section.

Scholarly Journal Articles

Cusumano, Michael. "Technology Strategy And Management: The Legacy Of Bill Gates." Communications Of The ACM 52.1 (2009): 25-26. Business Source Complete. Web. 1 May ...
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