Big Ideas In Science

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Big ideas in science

Big ideas in science

The scientific method

The scientific method is a procedure for experimentation. This scientific method can be used to reveal observations and to get the answers of various scientific questions. Scientists use this scientific procedure to explore cause and affect relationships of different factors. In other words, they devise an experiment in such a way that allows them to alter one factor and gauge the response of this alteration on other factors.

Scientific method process

Scientific method for conducting an experiment or to solve any query consists of following five steps:

• State the problem

• Make observation

• Form a hypothesis

• Do the experiment

• Draw conclusion

Implication of scientific method on two scenarios

In order to develop in depth understanding about a subject it is vital to learn about that topic or subject practically. So, to understand the topic of scientific method application of this concept on two different scenarios would be useful. Implication of scientific method on two different scenarios would lend a hand in understanding this concept in a clear perspective.

Scenario 1

You arrive home late at night. You walk up to the front door, unlock it, and reach in to turn on the light switch located just inside the front door. When you turn on the switch the light does not come.

Step 1: State the problem

The problem in this case is that the light does not come when the person turns on the switch.

Step 2: Make observation

The observation process is all about research. In this step the scientist or the person who is using scientific method does research about the problem stated in first step. The person who is using scientific method can also perform small experiments.

In this scenario, observation can be made by exploring reasons behind the problem. Small experiments that can be performed to make observation related to this scenario includes: checking the filament of the bulb and turning the switch on and off again with care.

Form a hypothesis

The light does not come because the bulb is fused. So, the hypothesis for this scenario would be as follows:

Hypothesis statement: “I believe that, if I change the bulb then the light will come”

The hypothesis is based on:

1. The exploratory research shows that if the light does not come after turning on the switch it means that the filament of the bulb is fused.

2. Light will come by replacing old bulb with a new one, having a new filament.

Do the experiment

The experiment for this scenario can be performed by changing the old bulb with a new one. This process would involve following steps:

Bringing a new bulb

Fixing the new bulb in the bulb holder

Turning on the switch with care

After performing the experiment it is the time to note the results. Replacement of old bulb with new one brings the light.

Draw conclusion

The result of the experiment shows that we should accept the hypothesis.

Scenario 2

Tina grows plants of mint leaves in her garden. She notices that, in some of the plants mint leaves are larger ...
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