Big Brother

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The era of reality shows there are many critics claiming the word "reality" is too weak due to the show. Big Brother is undoubtedly the king of reality shows. Blogging is a Weekly Gripe action without competitive bidding, which shows how Big Brother does not reflect any sense of reality at all, and ends with some "I think that television should rethink what is reality and what is not." I disagree completely with this statement.

Ultimately, Big Brother does not make sense and has no social benefit whatsoever. And so Big Brother is a perfect example of reality. That group of people who are thrown together, forced to back each other in the hope that they will move. Only one person can win money, forget the rest, the greater social needs are ignored. Enemy of the people is the "Big Brother", the Government House. Participants to change themselves to what they think the public expect from them. Similarly, we, like good little workers say, as our employers expect us to say we do not question, we dress, how we should dress to refer to this abstract concept of "looking professional". We have never myself when it comes to the continuous pursuit of money and awards. This, if neo-liberal conception of human nature to believe it is reality at its best. This fear is the government that selfishly grab the money, it's reality. Big Brother, this is an excellent example of the 21 st century reality. World, financial markets, jobs, hundreds of thousands and millions of little Big Brother-type shows himself acting under the guise of "reality." Selfishness and greed of institutions in a show like Big Brother, is a solid reflection of the cultural institutions of greed and individualism of the Western world was forced to adhere to when manipulating language "freedom" and "human nature"(Johnson-Woods, 2002, p. 135).

In 2001, Australian audiences were the latest in a series of countries to experience the reality TV program Big Brother. As in other countries, the first series of Big Brother in Australia attract a huge following. Big Toni Johnson-Woods' bother seeks to identify the understanding of the program Big Brother, and so that it and other reality-TV program of work (p. VII). As the introductory companion, big bother provides a solid overview of the first series of Big Brother and serves as a useful introduction in cultural studies and media studies. However, extensive analysis of program is deceptively complex to worry decisively less successful.

Contestants on Big Brother are not free. And it's not only the government a reality show, which limits their freedom. Carrot dangling at the end of the show money. The promise of "more." The promise of "more than" a lot more restrictions on the freedom of man than the government can be. Business by its nature, totalitarian. This promise is "more" that makes people in the system Neoliberalist economy. It assumes that human nature was originally very interested, quite separate and ...
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