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How did civilizations in the European West [AD 200-1600] develop the Catholic intellectual tradition?

As in one of those remarkable coincidences of intellectual history, Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure died in 1274, having taken in a sense to its best medieval thinking, also in 1685 Bach and Handel were born after take-century music XVII at a level of perfection that we find it so far today and overwhelming as the medieval Theological Sumas. No wonder then that if Protestantism have some pride in our musical tradition, enough for more than a boast of this tradition even before he ever heard some of these composers, as some Catholics who refer to greatness Thomas without having read either (Dressendorfer, 1996).

But one could continue the parallel, and say that as the monumental work of Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure in a sense has overshadowed many other great figures of the Catholic intellectual tradition, which would be worth knowing, also the monumental grandeur Bach and Handel has overshadowed the rest of the rich musical tradition Protestant, so it took many years to even become aware of the enormous tradition waiting to be heard. But once discovered, this tradition can be a great source of inspiration - or comfort, in response to what today we often sing in the church (Pollak, 1995).

The reasons why the figure has been overshadowed and sees. But say something briefly about his work with composer Mozart is the earliest in history. At 11 to us and had composed some of his greatest symphonies. But unlike Mozart, did not even reach 40. In Germany can hardly speak in the eighteenth and nineteenth century some Jewish family more important than Mendelssohn. The grandfather, Moses Mendelssohn, is the leading Jewish philosopher of the Enlightenment, and for many in the Jewish period model "assimilated". A large part would be Catholic, Protestant and an equally large. To this group belongs to Felix. His father, Abraham, spent most of his life in no man's land: secretly baptized a Lutheran, but it appears that his conviction was simply a Deist.

In another paper Lamprecht describes the tradition of natural law, "the Catholic and Uniting". In determining Lamprecht tradition includes the principle of reflection of the historical experience: in order to be "transformed into patterns of ideas", the experience should be a conceivable experience, designed on the basis of discourse, rooted in tradition and is symbolized by its semantic resources (Panikkar, 1996). Thus, the "Catholic" intellectual tradition can multiply them, moving in any chronotope history.

We define the concept of "entelechy tradition." Entelechy tradition derives from its semantic kernel is to clarify the approval and active life of meaning, is clarified in the semantic core of the tradition. It is hardly fair to draw a medieval Europe as a cultural world that dominates "clericalism" and "scholasticism." The European world is full of dramatic oppositely intense struggle of historical forces; it claimed a variety of "ideas" and intertwines different traditions. In his entelechy, "a tradition of natural law" is found not only as an ...
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