The study is related to the Baptist confessions that are London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1644 and Baptist Faith and Message, 2000. Baptist is one of the major Christian Protestant denominations. The idea underlying the movement is the recognition of the importance of baptism in the baptized, not with his parents, hence rejecting the age in which the believer is aware of his actions. Baptists split into many classes.
There are few differences between the two Baptist confessions that are the first London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1644 and Baptist Faith and Message, 2000 or the Southern Baptist Confession, but the idea of both of these Confessions is same that is to serve as the protestant groups in Christianity.
God and the Holy Trinity
In the view of Baptist Faith and Message, 2000 or the Southern Baptist Confession and Baptist Confession of Faith, 1644, the God head consists of three persons that are God the Holy Spirit, God the Son and God the Father. They are one in essence that is eternity or power. Each is fully God, yet God is one and indivisible. The Father is of none, neither begotten nor is anyone from the Son begotten of the eternal Father and the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son. These three divine persons indivisible in its nature and being are distinguished in the Scriptures by their personal relationships within the God head, and the variety of work they do. Its triple unit that is the Trinity is the essential basis of communion with God and the encouragement we receive from our trust in him.
The Holy Scriptures
According to London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1644 and Baptist Faith and Message, 2000 or the Southern Baptist Confession, the testimony of the Church can move and cause us to have for the Holy Scriptures and reverential a high estimate, while the heavenly character of the contents of the Bible, the efficacy of its doctrine, the majesty of his style, the harmony of all its parts, the end which it proposes to achieve in the whole book (which is to give all glory to God), the apparent discovery that makes the only way by which salvation may reach man, the incomparable multitude of others of their excellence and its sole perfection, are all arguments by which the Bible shows abundantly that is the word of God. However, our full persuasion and assurance that their truth is infallible and divine authority comes from the work of the Holy Spirit who bears witness with our heart with the word of God and through it.
The God's Eternal Decree
In relation to London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1644 and Baptist Faith and Message, 2000 or the Southern Baptist Confession; God from eternity, by the wise and holy counsel of his will, freely and unchangeably ordained everything that happens. However, he did so, God is neither the author of sin and ...