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Awarding Bsn Degree To Student

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Awarding BSN Degree to Student

To: Board of Governors, WSU

Tina Albott- Chair

Debbie Dingell- Vice Chair

Eugene Dinker

Diane L. Duaskiss

Danialle Karmanos

Paul E. Massaron

Anneita Miller

Gary S. Pollard

Allen Gilmour- President of WSU


The enclosed letter was sent to the Provost and was ignored; however it was answered by a person over signature of Dr. Howard Shapiro, having no idea regarding the HESI EXIT EXAM.

I request to kindly give this matter serious attention, since my BSN degree is being withheld by the WSU, School of Nursing. I hold GPA 3.19 and I have completed every BSN requirements.

Very Respectfully,

Meghan L. McGinn August 7, 2012

Dr. Howard Shapiro

Wayne State University

Detroit, Mi.

Dear Dr. Shapiro,

This letter is in repose to your letter, where I would like to state that kindly look at the situation at hand is with great concern, since it is the concern of my future. By any means I do not intend to ask any favors of changing my grade, but I solely want to understand the mere purpose of the HESI program. The program is designed to underline area of focus for students for their progression, which is designed to be initiated at the junior year of nursing school. Hence, it should, therefore, be implemented in an intended manner for achieving desired outcomes.

The purpose of my letter is not only to sate that my deprivation of graduation is iniquitous, but also to notify that class, and circumstances of the two sections were also not congruent. We have followed ATI since the beginning of our studies, suddenly just a year prior to my graduation the HESI program was implemented, where the reason for its implementation was given to students that it will assist them in the preparation of state board exams. The cutoff score for exit exams of the HESI is 850, where our university is following the cut off score for exit score of 950, which is one hundred points more than the national average; however other schools are maintaining the cut off exit score of 900. Even after the hard work I managed to score 923, which is considered to be an excellent score by the HESI, with surety that I can clear my state board exams successfully. Where, WSU is not honoring my diploma for the mere fact that I missed WSU's cut off score by 27 HESI points.

There are other circumstances that I would like to bring under your consideration. The first matter to ...
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