Avon Case Study

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Case Study: Avon Calls on Foreign Markets

Case Study: Avon Calls on Foreign Markets


Different types of marketing orientations are briefly discussed in this case study, such as:

Direct Selling: It is a technique of selling communications, which directly targets specific individuals and businesses, using personalized messages and incentives. Direct selling obtains an immediate and measurable response.

Less competitive market: Another marketing technique Avon uses is that it focuses on less competitive markets. This represents their strategy to first capture small markets and then later expand it to larger markets.

House to house sales: Avon also focuses on the house to house sales techniques, such as in shopping malls and small kiosks in which their distribution is done. This marketing technique has drawbacks, but it helps in providing opportunities for expansion (Daniels et al, 2011).


Avon has the potential to inhibit slow growth, because the cosmetics market in the U.S. is very competitive. To succeed, Avon should focus on less competitive market. The population rate of women is low in U.S., due to intense competition, people prefer other brands. Avon is focused on the distribution channel, which is limited to various models that represent the Avon across multiple platforms. Avon has a contract of limited distribution in the U.S., for this reason, Avon focuses on global market. Avon is also able to sell their products at lower prices than its competitors, which helps achieve a better picture of Avon markets worldwide.

Today, Avon is the largest source of economic opportunities for women around the world, serving more than six million members in more than one hundred countries (D'Innocenzio, 2005). The Avon Foundation for Women is the largest corporate charitable organizations with an emphasis on membership issues of interest to women, and Avon philanthropic activities around the world have donated more than $ ...
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