Aviation Management Careers

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Aviation Management Careers


In this paper, the flight management careers are going to be discussed, particularly the commercial and air force's parachute riggers and the aircrew flight equipments which are needed for the commercial aircrafts and for the military (air force) aircrafts. The document is based on both, from career point of view and from the equipment point of view. The life support equipment and its usage in the aircrafts have also been discussed in the starting of the document. There are also hazards involved in the job responsibility to take care of, for the aircraft related career. The job responsibilities for the Rigger (air force and commercial) includes to understand the hardware, fabrics, regulations and other related aspects to the packing, repair, building and maintenance of the parachutes and for the air force and commercial planes, the AFEs responsibility include to perform inspection, packs, adjusts aircrew and maintains different aircraft related problems.

Aviation Management Careers


There are certain aspects in the Aviation management and choosing it as a career is a tough job as it requires intense hardworking personnel and people who are highly motivated and self-driven, as the life of other people in dependent on the maintenance and procedures which are to be followed by the Life Support, Parachute Riggers, and Aircrew Flight Equipment in the Air Force specialists.

The Air Force has many departments for the control and aviation related services for the navigation and controlling of the air force aircrafts. The United States USAF has assigned roles to the departments and has given the rights to control the particular job falling within their own department for the proper commencement of the problems associated. The Life support equipments and their specialists have all their training been done so that the equipments related with the Life Support of the pilot are being in the working condition before the problem arises, similarly the Parachute Riggers looks after the parachute related goods and their maintenance and testing for the defense forces (in our case Air force and commercial riggers are being discussed) and in the end, the Aircrew Flight Equipment which includes the equipments which are required for the usage within the aircraft or for the people related with the aviation. The Aircrew Flight Equipment personnel perform inspection, packs, adjusts aircrew and maintains the aircrew flight equipment like as the oxygen masks, flight helmets, flotation devices, parachutes, helmet mounted devices, survival kits, other ocular systems, aircrew night vision, aircrew eye and respiratory system used as for protection, survival kits, flotation devices and masks and aircrew chemical defense systems.


Commercial Life Support Equipments and Specialists

In the aviation (which is the normal aircraft flights) uses life support as a field that has much of its own importance and is related to the technologies used in the Commercial life support equipments which usually ensures the aircrew and pilots' safety which is particularly related with the commercial aircrafts. The Life Support has safety equipments which are capable of helping the pilot and the co-pilot, God forbids, surviving if the aircraft ...
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