Aviation And Airport Security

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Aviation and Airport Security

Aviation and Airport Security

Question 1:

Before September 11th, no one had ever imagined such destruction could be caused from a hijacking. Everyone heard of bombs going off in planes and people dying from airplane crashes. When one thinks of hijacking, we think someone desperate to get attention. Possibly to free comrades or make a point religiously. Will the hijackers harm the people? Hopefully in the end the hostages are released, the hijackers arrested and everyone goes on about their business. New terror is realized when hijacking not only kills the people on board the plane, but the people that innocently sit at work in a building. Now aircraft are the weapon not the people on board. Aircraft Security must change to give passengers confidence to fly. Some people fly because their job requires while others fly for recreation. The aviation industry makes most of its profits from business and a small percentage from recreation. These are the majority of people that must be protected. Will we see changes in the air transportation industry and how will these changes affect our way of life?

Current and Future Trends: As time moved on, hijacking numbers increased and reasons changed from freedom of a family and friends to freedom of comrades. The first significant number of hijackings in a year occurred in 1961. The total for the year was 11. Hijackings continue to grow until 1969 and reached a record 85 (Choi, 1994, p.6). Since the early 1970's, it has been of concern that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to do something about air piracy. The old days of political asylum had vanished and people were taking aircraft hostage to free prisoners of war. The worst type of hijacker was one that had ideological traits. This type of pirate could not be dealt with by normal means because he was willing to lose his life for the cause.

Nothing could have prepared the United States for September 11, 2001. Some countries like Israel say, "That had their methods been employed, the terrorist attacks may have been thwarted"(Airline, 2001). In a time when more people are complaining about their luggage, the idea of more security was absurd. This would mean longer lines and more time in the terminal area waiting for flights. The American people would not have accepted harder security. (Kathleen 2003)

Now is the time for action and aviation is providing security that will keep everyone safe. Unfortunately it takes a major event for people to react, but this is the way America works. The United States remained out of WW II until December 7, 1941 and many Americans were killed. More regulations come from blood on the runways than from foresight. This is the way of security tightening from the fall of the World Trade Center. New concepts in the security of aircraft have been in the works for several years now.

The Security of Aircraft in the Future Environment is a project that intends to restore confidence in the air transport ...
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