Automated Management System

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Automated Management System

Executive Summary

The nature of the software industry is very than the nature of any other industry. The manufacturing industry used to be evaluated by the volumes of sold products and the servicing industry used to be evaluated by the number of clients. The software industry deals in the world of bits, design software and applications. The volume of the software industry's products is irrelevant in to evaluate the size of industry. The most influencing factor of this industry is rapid change. This is the key advantage of this industry which provides impetus to innovations in this industry. The software industry falls in the technology field. It is a fact that the technology field witnessed rapid evolution. The trends which affect the software industry are globalization, implementation, modernization, Socialization and Verticalization. The affects of globalization includes market consolidation and technology convergence trends. The researchers and theorist claimed that the globalization has increased the merger and acquisition. When the giant companies of software industry merged then synergy level is high. This affects the software industry in term of increasing the innovation level and making the competition tougher for the rest of the companies. The implementation procedures also affect the software industry's trend by mean of platform (service of PaaS and SaaS), cloud-computing along with insidious and mobile access.

Table of Content

Executive Summary2

Automated Management System5

Company Description5



Keys to Success5

The industry6

Nature of the Industry6

Size of the Industry6

Major Players in Industry7

Market Analysis8

Primary Target Market8

Geographic Location9

Identifying Demographics9

Target Market Needs9

Meeting Current Market Needs10

Competitive Analysis10

Direct & Indirect Competitors10


Overcoming Barriers11

Marketing plan11

Sales Strategy11

Pricing Plan11

Advertising and Promotions12

Management Plan12

Business Legal Structure12

Internal and External Resources12

Human Resource12

Operations Plan13

Business's Physical Location13

Facilities & Equipment13

Personnel & Skills13


Start Up Cost Statement15

Income Statement16

Balance Sheet22


Automated Management System

Company Description


The company aspires to provide inexpensive quality software solutions for small retail businesses to meet financial and accounting needs such that every business can find a software solution fulfilling their need of knowing their business at a glance and managing it more efficiently.


•The company shall increase the awareness of the products by 20 percent in each year.

•The company will attract the customers by effective features of product and highlighting its competitive advantage, leading to a 10 percent increase in sales in one year.

•The company will speed up the collection of account receivable by 10 percent in each year.

•Target for 10, 11 and 13 installations of PAMS per month for first, second and third year.

Keys to Success

The product will speed up the processing of customers at counters because of its multifunctional features such as calculating the total price, automatically deducting each sold item off the inventory account, receiving cash or swiping card, printing receipt and bagging items. This will increase the sale of inventory because customer will be spending less time in queue. It is fact that in today's world the time is the most valuable asset and this will attract customer (Kirby, 2003).

The industry

Nature of the Industry

The nature of the software industry is very than the nature of any other industry. The manufacturing industry used to be evaluated by the ...
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