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The term “autism” refers to a cluster of conditions appearing early in childhood. All involve severe impairments in social interaction, communication, and patterns of rigid, repetitive behaviors. To be considered a manifestation of an autistic disorder, some of these impairments must be exhibited before the age of three. Social interaction and communication, or the presence of stereotyped, repetitive behaviors and unusual interests, and activities. People diagnosed with these disorders are affected in many ways for their entire lives.

Research Question

(1) What difficulties children with autism face, like going to school, access in health service e.g do they have services or not?

Literature Review

Because autism is a spectrum disorder, each child diagnosed with an autistic disorder differs from every other in the suite of symptoms they display and the characteristics and intensity of those symptoms; thus, general descriptions of autistic behavior and characteristics do not apply equally to every child. Still, the common impairments in social interaction and communication, and patterns of rigid, repetitive behaviors can make it possible to recognize children with these disorders, who may differ markedly from neurotypical children in many ways.

Many parents of autistic children sense that something is not quite right even when their children are infants. The infants may have feeding problems, dislike being changed or bathed, or fuss over any change in routine. They may hold their bodies rigid, making it difficult for parents to cuddle them. Or, they may fail to anticipate being lifted, lying passively while the parent reaches for them, rather than holding their arms up in return. Most parents of autistic children become aware of the typicality of these and other behaviors only gradually.( Hamilton, 2007 57)

Impairments in social interaction are usually among the earliest symptoms to develop. The most common social impairment is a kind of indifference to other people, or aloofness, even towards parents and close caregivers. The baby may fail to respond to his or her name being called and may show very little facial expression unless extremely angry, upset, or happy. Babies with autism may resist being touched and appear to be lost in their own world. Between seven and 10 months of age, most infants often resist being separated from a parent or well-known care-giver, but these infants who are later diagnosed with autism may show no emotion when picked up by a stranger.

Other children with autism may be very passive, although less resistant to efforts by others to interact. However, they may not initiate social interaction themselves. Still others may attempt to engage with adults and peers but in ways that strike others as inappropriate or odd.

Because autistic children can be extremely sensitive to change, any change within the family situation can be potentially traumatic to the autistic child. A move, divorce, birth of a sibling, or other stressors that occur in the lives of most families may evoke a more extreme reaction from an autistic child.( Kaplan, 2007 192)

In adolescence and adulthood, some higher-functioning people with autistic disorders may appear overly formal and ...
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