The Auschwitz concentration camp, about 60 kilometers west of Krakow, Poland, is located in a landscape of forest and wetlands. The SS, Schutz-Staffel or (elite Gestapo) chose a former headquarters of the Austro-Hungarian to confine the first of the camps at Auschwitz, because of the favorable situation of the roads (Wittmann, 89).
Today Auschwitz concentration camp is the site of a memorial. Auschwitz, the largest concentration and extermination camps, are a symbol of the horrors of the Third Reich. There can be met more than 7,000 half-starved and abused people and the few survivors of Auschwitz. It can be erected on the spot relief camps where the victims can be provided with food and medicines. However, many of them died shortly after their liberation from disease or the effects of malnutrition.
The horrific crimes of the Third Reich are one of the darkest chapters in human history. The complex comprised a territory of 40 km2, which also included an extensive off limits. Under the command of the first commandant, Rudolf Hoess, was begun in May 1940 the camp, which later became known as Auschwitz I, or center field. This first expansion can be projected by 7.000 prisoners and 28 buildings comprising two storey brick and wooden buildings adjacent. On the average, number of prisoners amounted to 18,000. Two barbed wire high voltages surrounded the entire area. In a sign, over the entrance to the field, there could be read as a sign of contempt and sarcasm, the motto "Work will set you free" (Rees, 61).
They all cruelty and infamy, all bestiality and aberration, any atrocity and all the horrors had brought together to transform the place into a living hell. Continuing deaths from disease and starvation, cold, exhausting fatigue, scurvy, dysentery, trauma and infections. The firing squad riddled with dozens at a time against a wall lined with rubber to reduce the noise of the shot. In the main square, five people came up to the sidewalk. The executioner placed the noose around his neck. The curb victims were suspended with a kick.
Auschwitz had become famous for the installation of the first gas chamber, which began operations on August 15, 1940. What I feared most was not the bullets or the gallows, or the gas chambers, but the basements of death, or "Bunkers" by the slow death, and martyrdom maddening hunger and thirst (Piper, 62).
Criminals and Collaborators during the Third Reich
It is inconceivable for us to look at this horrible mass destruction made by many people. It is not a few Nazis made it even prepares satisfaction, but, there was a sense of superiority and power to humiliate people in brutal ways to torture and kill.
The promise of Hitler's speeches from the superior German people and incitement against other nations reached all masses. Many people were anxious above all to their personal advantage. Advantages were like they got rewards or good job in prospect if he is made public enemies betrayed, as a good German and acted as the ...