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Atychiphobia, as with all phobias, is an extreme, irrational fear. Phobias, generally, keep us from enjoying some aspects of life. The fear of failure is often one of the most paralyzing phobias. Sometimes, we're so concerned about failing that we don't try an activity we want to try. Other times our fear of failure is so strong we subconsciously undermine our own efforts so we don't have to continue to try. This is why many have linked it with the fear of success. Like so many other fears, this phobia is often so strong it brings about the very failure that was feared.


Irrational and unreasoned fears or what we call phobias are mental disorders which, although they have little effect on our physical health, can deprive us of certain things that we enjoy out of life. Moreover, mental disorders such as phobias have a greater effect on our mindset, philosophies and eventually, our ambitions in life.

Thus, one of the most paralyzing kinds of phobia is atychiphobia or the fear of failure or failing. More so, atychiphobia is characterized by an extreme degree of perfectionism. Hence, people who suffer from such mental disorder are more inclined to the idea of "playing safe" rather than taking risk - further decreasing the value and excitement of life(Nelson, 2009, 764).

Atychiphobia can be a result of some traumatic childhood experiences, perhaps an embarrassing and humiliating incident. Nevertheless, for those who possess an optimistic mindset, those experiences will eventually fuel them to achieve greater heights. However, it isn't the case for all people, for others, those experiences will result into a nightmare which the patient will try to avoid as much as possible.

Likewise, atychiphobia can result in anxiety attacks, nausea, inability to speak or think effectively, heart palpitations, shaking or to some greater extent isolation and somehow, being separated from the real world and indulging thoughts of a perfect setting.

Conversely, many people suffer from atychiphobia but just a few of them embrace or even know the psychological dilemma they're facing. More so, those who suffer from atychiphobia are not just mere perfectionists. Someway, they try to evade things which, based from their viewpoint can result into catastrophic failure. Needless to say, perfection is just a mere illusion. It's something which isn't attainable and cannot be reach.

Hence, that is the dilemma of people who suffer from atychiphobia - they're trying to reach something which cannot be ...