Athletic Program

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Planning Athlete Program

Planning Athlete Program


The planning process is a comprehensive predictive frame that relies on quantitative studies and takes into account the experience of reality. It is a preventive process is in the early stages and provides a systematic effort with the potential and capacity and clarity of objectives that must be divided into short and medium and long-which requires a specific timetable to reach it.

More generally, the planning of athlete training is directed organization that aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the individual or a single action. The planning of the training process helps sports coach segmentation to work according to the successive stages; each based on the results of its predecessor and creates the next without any repetition or a waste of time and effort. No longer has an agenda to organize training staged duties according to the defined goals and objectives.


Sports chart types

Different types of planning in the field of sports, according to sports activity and requirements in terms of the objectives to be accessible so differentiate between sports in terms of planning time domain planning to:

• long-term planning.

• medium-term planning.

• short-term planning.

Considerations when developing training plan

1. Long-term plans must be connected with the current plans:

The long term training plan or future plan represents demand is important for training operations which are used by the coach as an objective to lead the athletic training. The coordination or organization of such a plan is based on the fact continued to improve both the performance skills and achievement and the rate of development that the coach takes into account, which tries to predict the levels that can be achieved in the future, and directing sports programs, which is coached towards the same goals after the predicted level of improvement in the future.

So the coach then mastering work and training methods appropriate to achieve the completion of sports and training objectives, that the goals of the training plan long term depends on the standards and training contents present in the annual plan long and include (semi-annual, annual, and for several years) and medium (including building or installation module for very cycle weekly) so I found continuity between plan targets small and future and this continuity is reflected by index.

2. Installed and the concentration factor or the training component of the athlete:

During training a coach must always try to focus on equality or according to the needs of sports ...
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