At & T

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AT & T

AT & T


The AT&T Corporation, previously renowned as The American Telephone and Telegraph Company, was integrated on March 3, 1885 in New York as a wholly belongs to subsidiary of The American Bell Telephone Company. Its initial reason was to organize and elaborate the burgeoning toll (long distance) enterprise of American Bell and its licenses.


Management and Functional issues of Acquisition to integrate companies following an acquisition, the most important challenges that an organization faces will be appointing the right team, especially the top management people, to structure it appropriately, defining its agenda, and erected structure the trust that enables its members to work well together. Buchanan et al. (2002) identified a range of leadership characteristics that might be associated with successful merger and acquisition outcomes. AT&T failed to overcome these challenges and was responsible for the ego clashes and politics that are often the root cause of spectacular failed mergers. Top-down change fails because there are possibilities that at every step messages get diluted, so that each succeeding one seems less compelling and less authentic. While this may be true in certain circumstances, acquisition still requires direction from the top because this is the only way to initiate change throughout the organization. Cultural due diligence post-acquisition should be done to determine cultural compatibility in international acquisitions.

In selecting a target when embarking on an acquisition strategy, AT&T considered whether the acquisition would let them extract value inside three ways. First, the takeover should make it possible to lower costs through economies of scale and better cost management. Second, the acquisition should be able increase the combined companies' market power by spreading the stronger emblem name over a wider product or service base. And third, the takeover should help the acquiring company change the competitive game. Any one of these reasons for gains from mergers is sufficient, and different ones presumably are relevant internal different circumstances.

The consolidation of market power as a result of acquisition may increase diversification by either broadening the geographic reach of an institution or increasing the breadth of the products and services offered. In short, acquiring management looked at how viable the company is and how it may reduce costs and raise revenues by implementing superior charge strategies, offering more lucrative product mixes, or incorporating sophisticated sales and marketing programs (Nguyen & Kleiner 2003).

On Mar 30, 2011 AT&T's planned acquisition of T-Mobile USA which will help to accelerate the early deployment of 4G, but throws the viability of the mobile broadband strategies of Sprint, Clear wire and Light Squared into doubt, according to a recent report by the Strategy Analytics Wireless Operator Strategies service.

Workforce Planning

The key to the accomplishment of AT&T manpower is to double-check a relentless procedure of expertise expansion of employees and double-check fervent employee buy-in into the plan. Its HR performances a key function in motivating employees about the need to arrive by a sharp finding out temperament, develop teamwork and sound work ethics, stay comparable, and aid rendezvous organizational ...
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