Astronomy Coursework

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Astronomy Coursework

Astronomy Coursework


Moon is one of the most fascinating creations of God. It is very different and similar to the Earth, and through these questions, the similarities and differences are shown. What are the phases of the Moon, what is the crust made of, what are the rocks on the Moon made of, is there any ice, and is the Moon moving away from the Earth? Although it looks so plain, the Moon is the most studied object in space, and seems to be the most fascinating thing.

Mon chart for Phases of the Moon

Moon Map

As the moon orbits the earth, it "grows in size" from new moon, to waxing crescent, first quarter (one-fourth of a completed revolution around the earth), waxing gibbous, to full moon. It then decreases in reverse order to waning gibbous, third (or last) quarter (three-quarters of a completed revolution around the earth), waning crescent, and back to the new moon (completing the full revolution around the earth).

The same side of the moon always faces the earth because the moon rotates on its axis in the same period that it revolves around the earth. The moon takes 27.3 days to complete one revolutioon around the earth with respect to the stars (sidereal month, 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.5 seconds), but the synodical month takes 29.5 days (29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 3 seconds) with respect to the sun because of the earth's simultaneous motion around the sun. The term synodical is defined as an astronomical term meaning "relating to the alignment of celestial bodies".

Phases of the moon

The moon's phases depend on what fraction of its sunlit hemisphere can be seen from earth.

As the moon orbits the earth, it grows in size from new moon, to crescent, first quarter, ...
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