Association For Computing Society

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Association for computing society

Association for computing society


Association for computing society is one of the largest scientific and educational computing society which deals with delivering resources that are required for the advance computing and science to be practiced as a profession. It was found in 1947, comprising of the largest publications, conferences and career resources which are required for the computing profession. This source of information is required for those who want to practice it as a profession. It also comprise of a digital library which serves its members. It is the large most in the world scientific and educational community of specialists in informatics and computer technology, which currently has over 90,000 members worldwide. Under the auspices of the AFM is published annually by more than 40 specialized periodicals, and also conducted more than 120 most authoritative international scientific symposia and conferences (C, 196).

Pros and cons

There are many pros and cons of these associations formed by the computing societies. The various libraries and databases which are used and they provide sufficient information. Students get a lot of benefits from this website

Educational benefits

ADELE monitors help students in questions and help them by providing feedback for to the students regarding their tasks. It helps users to provide learning in an artificial environment. It reduces student's mistakes. It also creates a database for students and the frequently asked questions, which in turn help them in future and avoids wasting of time.

A tutoring system

An intelligent tutoring system helps the students to create a model of their knowledge and helps in understanding the subject easily. The chat bots helps increases the student's activity and increases their interactivity as it helps in more interaction of the students (E, 1968).

Social benefits

Association for computing society also recognizes contributions by young scientists and system developers to a contemporary innovation that exemplifies the greatest recent achievements in the computing field.It has also introduced a scalable web services has defined the basic architecture that is used by almost all systems, and marks him as a visionary with the potential to advance society on numerous social and economic levels. This web service highly scalable, cost-effective using clusters of computers.

Theme of interest

Many web sites such as Flickr, Delicious, and Library Thing allow users to label resources (images, web sites, books, etc.) with their own keywords or tags. This practice is known as social tagging, social indexing, social classification, or collaborative tagging (Social tagging is a popular way of categorizing resources because it allows users to put things in more than one category. It has a low cognitive cost and involves the least effort for the user.

Collections of social tags form a “folksonomy” or a user-created vocabulary It was found that, for a resource, a folksonomy forms a stable pattern after as few as 100 tags, and this pattern represents a consensus of the most commonly used tags that is consistent over time. These tag patterns make folksonomies useful as a means of manual indexing similar to a ...
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