Assignment 7: Space And Territory

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Personal space is the region around an individual which they consider psychologically theirs. Almost everyone value their intimate space and they go through anxiety and antagonism if someone assaults their physical space. However, this assignment is going to invade personal space of three different individuals and their reactions will be evaluated (Sammons, 2007).


Opposite Gender

In a campus library, I share the desk with a boy. He was trying to read a book, when I plugged in my ear phones and played the songs at a very loud voice. He was getting disturbed by my songs and shifts his place (, 2012). I also moved my place and sit with him. He was irritated and pissed off, and shifts his place again, and I went and sit with him again. He pulled off my ear plugs and asked me to let him study, or he would complain to the librarian. I was afraid doing this because I could be fined and because of the looks that person was giving me (Voger,, 2008).

Different Culture

I invaded the personal space of one of my neighbors who is an Asian; thus, their culture is entirely different from ours. According to the studies, the Asians physical space is less than the American's intimate space. However, in a grocery store, I intentionally touched that lady twice or thrice. She was quite uncomfortable, but she did not react aggressively, and after few minutes she did not even remember what happened. In contrast, I was uncomfortable and found myself in an awkward situation, but I managed to repeat my actions thrice in order to check her stability of reactions.

Older Person

Older people are very sensitive and usually do not allow anyone to touch their things. ...
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