Assignment Assignmenta) Determine the types of measurement scales for each variable (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio):Absences, Physical Education (PE), Math, Writing and Reading are interval variables, gender is ordinal and name is nominal variable.b) Determine the number of boys and girls in the class and create a bar graph or pie chart to display the information.StatisticsGenderboyNValid10Missing0GirlNValid10Missing0As it can be seen there are equal number of boys and girls in this data.c) Determine the correlations between pairs of all interval variables (i.e., Absences with PE, PE with math, math with writing, etc.)CorrelationsAnsencesPEAnsencesPearson Correlation1-.452*Sig. (2-tailed).045N2020PEPearson Correlation-.452*1Sig. (2-tailed).045N2020*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level ...