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The Purpose of Education

The Foundation of all civilized life is education. In modern society, we have made it a right rather than a privilege, and this must be seen as one of the greatest achievements of the past century.

This does not however mean that every recipient of compulsory education is grateful. Gone are the days of angelic, smiling faces in unblemished uniform and "talk-and-incur-the-wrath-of-the-most-supreme" attitude. All this has been replaced by aggressive dressing and the mafia-style "you mess with us we mess with you" teacher-pupil relationship (Smardz, 2000). Education is influenced by the outside world. Factors such as unemployment, poor housing and lawless communities affect the pupil population. Education sways with the tide of society, so to speak.

Education is beneficial in our social lives. With it, we can stand on our own two feet and not take a back seat to anyone. We can argue a case reasonably but firmly, and feel confident in any situation. A good vocabulary will never go amiss on a social evening or on a formal occasion. And the educated person will be open to the views of the others and be tolerant of opinions, which differ from his own. Education should break down the barriers created by prejudice and ignorance.

Role of Teacher

A great teacher must be fair to absolutely everyone. This includes treating every student with the same respect; having no favourites. Teachers who do this will almost always receive that respect in return from the students. This helps the class function well so the student will learn more. They also create fair guidelines and rules for the classroom (Smardz, 2000). Along with these come reasonable punishments in case they are broken. A great teacher is understanding and knows when to bend the rules a little. For instance, when a student has many extracurricular ...
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