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Question 1:

It is reported that Sylvia Baller Commissioner for External Relations, suggested that the rapid reaction force to be deployed in Central Asia, with special competence to interact with the UN force authorized by the Security Council, and immediate intervention in the current proportional to the civil conflict in eastern Kazakhstan. Baller Commissioner held consultations with the European Council of Ministers and the European Parliament that we should mention the International Criminal Court in respect of potential investigation of Karl Kasprov, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of acts committed in violation of humanitarian law. Baller earlier announced support from the EU to recognize the rights of independent nations of the North-Eastern Kazakhstan, to an independent government.

He said that the president Kasprov issued a statement in direct response to the actions of Commissioner Baller. President Kasprov said that any interference in the internal affairs of Eastern Kazakhstan will be considered as an illegal act of aggression under international law. The statement also made clear that the East Kazakhstan does not recognize the authority of the International Criminal Court, and that the international community, including the European Union, should not deal with matters that were purely internal. In a separate communication Kasprov President made it clear that he believes Commissioner Baller have personal goals, and encourages all other members of the Commission and other institutions of the European Union to distance itself from her remarks. The President's representative said that Kasprov that "Baller abusing his position to use human rights to make a very personal attack on the president. In the afternoon, the answer came from the offices of Commissioner Baller said that reports of child soldiers and child abuse within the North- East Kazakhstan need for collective action by the international community "and that further delay ...
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