Assigned Topic Summaries

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Assigned Topic Summaries

Assigned Topic Summaries

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

The management of customer relationships (Customer Relationship Management CRM) is intended to provide technological solutions that strengthen the communication between the company and its customers to improve customer relations through the automation of various components of the customer relationship:

The pre: is related to marketing and is studying the market, ie the customer needs and identify potential customers. The analysis of information collected about customers allows the company to review its selection of products to better meet the expectations. The Enterprise Marketing Automation (EMA) is the automation of marketing campaigns.

Sales: the automation of sales force (Sales Forces Automation in English, abbreviated as SFA) is to give businesses testing tools to assist the implementation of measures to potential customers (contact management, meetings of sales, reissues, but also helps in preparing business proposals, etc).

Customer Service Management: Customers like to feel known and recognized by the company and not want to have to retell the story of his relationship with the company each time they are contacted.

Aftermarket: This stage provides customer support, particularly through the implementation of call centers (also known as customer service, hotlines or the English term, call centers) and online delivery Support information.

The purpose of CRM is to improve the proximity to customers to meet their needs and turn them into loyal customers. Therefore, a CRM project must provide each business sector access to information system to better meet customer and provide products and services that meet their expectations in the best possible way (DeGregor, 2011).

Implementation of CRM

Implement CRM (Customer Relationship Management) as a business strategy is a very important business, as it involves a change in culture, attitude and way of working that involves each and every one of its members: from the processes and people, to the objectives and responsibilities.

According to Joachim (2002) CRM is a business strategy that seeks to improve business performance through the optimization of your relationship with your (s) segment (s) market, knowing, understanding and anticipating the needs of their customers and prospects. However, its implementation takes time, knowledge, experience, risk and cost. In the center of all business strategies must not only found the consumer (customer) or customer, but seeks a personal relationship and personal with each of them: this is the business model (MN). The business model "is a representation of the logic and strategic options aimed at creating and capturing value in a value network" (Joachim, 2002).

IT Governance

Governance of Information Technology for management of operations, organizational structures and processes to be implemented that enable the IT organization to support and develop the strategy and objectives of the organization.

Governance of information technology (in English or Information Technology Governance IT Governance) is part of the field of corporate governance applied to the field of Information Technology and more generally of Information Technology. Its objective is to better control them. Its objective is to improve the process of value creation, taking into account the risk management and performance of Information ...
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