Assessment Of Learners

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Assessment of Learners

Assessment of Learners

Ways of testing a translation

According to Larson, There live five modes to check a translation:

1.   Comparison with the source text

2.   Back - transformation into the source dialect

3.   Comprehension tests

4.   Naturalness and readability checking

5.   Consistency tests


Comparison with the source dialect

One of the major reasons of the evaluation is to ascertain for equivalence of data content. The evaluation is really a self - check; that is, it is finished by the translator. Of course, it could be finished by somebody additional who understands both dialects well and understands transformation principles. After ascertaining to be certain that all of the data is there, the translator will make another evaluation of source dialect and receptor dialect texts, looking for any problems.


Back - transformation

A second way to ascertain a transformation is by having somebody additional, who is bilingual in the source and receptor dialects, make a back - transformation of the converted text into the source language. This individual takes the transformation and composes out the significance he gets from it back into source language. He should manage it without having read the source text utilized by the translator. This back transformation will let the translator understand what is being broadcast to this person. In converting, one values natural and clear forms; in back - converting, literal types are utilized in alignment to display up the structure of the transformation being back - translated.


Comprehension checks

Good understanding checking is the key to a good translation. The reason of this check is to glimpse if or not the transformation is appreciated rightly by speakers of the dialect who have not glimpsed the transformation previously.

It is conceived to find out what the transformation is broadcasting to the assembly for who it is intended. This kind of check engages having persons retell the content of the transformation and response inquiries about it.

Comprehension checking is finished with individuals who are fluent speakers of the receptor language. These persons should be commonplace persons from diverse categories of the society. Testing should be finished with juvenile persons, middle elderly, and older people. It should be finished with the more highly educated and with the freshly literate, if the transformation is proposed for all.

The respondent is inquired to retell or give an abstract of the material read.

The tester should be very careful to select a part which is a unit and which is not so long that it would be hard to recall the content.

The second step in understanding checking is inquiring inquiries about the converted text. The inquiries should be arranged beforehand, not made up on the spot. This devotes the tester time to believe through what he anticipates the respondent to realize and to conclude precisely what he likes to check.

There are some types of inquiries, each with a distinct purpose.

Questions may be inquired to give data about the discourse method, or about the topic of the text, or they may be inquiries ...
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