The evaluation is done in many areas in secondary education, and may have multiple levels of meaning. Evaluation takes place in various aspects of secondary education as in student affairs of programming, classroom teaching, and the first year experience programs, student engagement in learning, and rewards teachers and evaluation. Academic assessment identifies how well students are achieving learning outcomes established within a particular program. "The primary objective of the evaluation is to understand how high school programs and are working to determine if they are contributing to student growth and development.
Academic assessment of student learning in general occurs at three levels within the institution of Secondary Education (SEI). The classroom level is the ability to measure student learning against the learning objectives within the course, while the level of the program or the overall assessment of secondary education school student involves learning assessment against learning outcomes established through a major program of study or a series of courses designed to provide a wide learning through a range of disciplines. Academic assessment of the entire institution assesses student learning and development against the institutional level student learning outcomes institutional goals, such as retention rates or graduation. When learning levels are lower than desired, the evaluation process should identify and implement changes for students and the institution to meet the desired levels of performance. Academic assessment of students learning outcomes at the program level or in general education at the undergraduate level is the focus of this research.
Since the 1980's, accrediting agencies have been asking for SEI to implement student learning outcomes assessment, and in the 2000s have been increasingly SEI to document patterns of the tests being used data evaluation processes to improve student learning. Therefore, teachers must participate in the evaluation of results. Since the faculty are responsible for curriculum and improving the curriculum, the faculty is at the center of the evaluation process of academic program level and within secondary education in general.
While the ability to understand the classroom level assessment as part of their work as instructors of the course, the evaluation of the results beyond the classroom level may be new to the faculty. To develop an evaluation process results in a particular program, as an older student, or within the general education courses are high school teachers in conjunction identify learning goals of the program or level of performance, look for courses where learning to program performance is to occur, and identify tools to measure learning. Then the department or secondary general education faculty must work together to determine how changes in curriculum or teaching can be used to enhance learning, and consider how data could be used differently by the institution. Evaluation of results requires the ability to work collaboratively with colleagues to design learning outcomes to be achieved, collect data on how students have met the results, and then make plans or instructional ...