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Assessment DetailsTask (1

Assessment Details Task

Why is policy transfer so fashionable?Policy transfer is by definition the process by means of which knowledge, policies or administrative arrangements shift from one nation or policy making domain to another. The execution is usually carried out by think tanks through the medium of expert's examinations of other nations or domains before implementation. It is usually thought to be an intentional learning process, rather than an unintentional revolutionary one where governments facing the same problems discover the same method of resolution. It is also thought to be voluntary, this however is not always the case though it can be of a coercive nature, which will be examined into more depth but usually revolves around money. National governments can compel different parts or smaller grades of government to pursue other ones' practices. Policy move is thought to lead to principle convergence and to be part of globalization. Where authorities buy services from the same multinational companies, pressures from the companies may furthermore lead to convergence and policy transfer. Because policy transfer is largely about learning, modes of information acquisition are an important aspect of the idea and transfer is supposed to occur more now than in the past due to faster more efficient global communication. The first step towards a decision upon policy transfer and why it has become a fashionable venture is, 'an increasing amount of policy development, and particularly policy change, in contemporary politics is affected by policy transfer. As such, when we are investigating principle change we always need to inquire the inquiry: Is principle move involved? (Dolowitz and Marsh, 2000: 20) Increasingly Ministers and Number 10 are looking overseas for new policy ideas.

At first glance my initial reaction is to supply the obvious; a Blue Peter, here is one I made earlier. Policy transfer literature hands us this suggestion that when we are confronted with the need to solve a problem, and especially a new problem, there is probably a tendency to search for ready-made solutions in other jurisdictions (Bennett, 1997: 213; also Rose, 1993). Further to this, in situations where the problem area is refreshing, the literature suggests there will be fewer barriers to policy transfer owing to fewer prior commitments, and adoption will be relatively uncomplicated (Rose, 1993: 78; Dolowitz and Marsh, 1996:353). Power and politics have been used in situations as large as massive takeovers, or in a small business by employees wanting to gain entities. The concept of power and politics is that it is not a tool used by management, but the game can be played by all in an organization. Different types of power and politics are used in many organizations and the uses effect each organization in a variety of ways whether the goal is positive or negative.

Organizational politics can be discussed from two approaches, the first being a Machiavellian perspective, which is negatively perceived as a 'take no prisoners' attitude with a goal of attainment of power at all ...