Assessment 5: Case Study Strategy

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Assessment 5: Case Study Strategy

Assessment 5: Case Study Strategy


For M.U.G, the explosive growth of multimedia data on the Internet creates huge opportunities for multimedia advertising. In this paper we present the techniques and technologies for Internet multimedia advertising. The paper aims at bringing together recent insights from the research on multimedia advertising that addresses the theoretical fundamentals, solution concepts, and the issues related to the development of modern multimedia advertising schemes.

Difference between Document and Function Oriented Approaches

Document Styles Window, which is available in Design view and HTML document, displays a hierarchical list of styles that are included in an HTML document or linked to it. The Style Organizer allows generating, modifying styles designed to associate only the current document. One can also link to external style sheets, linked style opening from the Organizer of styles and edit the style sheet without breaking the link (Peng, 2003, 12).

From a functional standpoint, one can define the client / server computing as a distributed architecture that enables end users to access the seamless information even in multiple form environments in the client server model, the client sends a message requesting a given service to a server (a request), and it sends one or more messages with the response (Peng, 2003, 14). Usually most of the heavy lifting is done in the process call server and client processes or only concerned with user interaction (Although this may vary). In other words the client / server architecture is a modular programming extension in which the foundation is to separate a large piece software modules in order to make it easier to develop and improve maintenance.

The apparent disintermediation brings contextual advertising an obstacle to its dissemination and knowledge between companies. That is, the ability of any advertising company contracts directly, developing and producing advertisements, evaluating results accurately, precisely and controlling the cost, planning the duration of the campaign as goals, etc. It is relegated to a very back seat to traditional advertising agencies, whose services were extended to these items (Rutz, Bucklin, 2008, 94-119). Technological development through document service allows and implements more targeted advertising models, which should lead to greater efficiency of advertising spending. The controversy arises when the company's technology to launch new models does not match that traditionally benefited from it. With these precedents, it is foreseeable that the technological development triggers a process in which the actors strive for niche in the new scenario (OWS 2 common architecture, 2012). In an early stage, Internet advertising sought to replicate the models that had been in operation for many years in other media. So the ad revenue mainly from sponsorships related to the type of content of each website (OWS 2 common architecture, 2012). The method of advertising is often associated with the CPM (cost per thousand users) and charge the advertiser based on a quantity proportional to the number of people who see the ad. Hence the importance is given to the audience measurement websites from the start (OpenGIS catalogue ...
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