Articles (Gardner And Zigler)

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Articles (Gardner and Zigler)

Articles (Gardner and Zigler)


The paper compares two biographical articles by Gardner and Zigler. It compares the professional journey of both the psychological and critically evaluates the success factors, similarities and differences.

Contribution to Psychology

Gardner's significant contribution is in the areas of psychology namely the broader conception of the human mind, studies of excellence in psychology, and the construction of education on a firm psychological basis. Gardner is renowned in the education environment for his theory of multiple intelligences that is based on the concept that each person has at least eight intelligences or eight-cognitive skills (Edward, Sternberg, 2003). Researcher, Harvard University, after years of study have jeopardized the entire system of schooling in the U.S. Gardner, neuropsychologists, is co-director of Project Zero at the School of Education at Harvard, where he also serves as professor of education and psychology, and professor of neurology at the Faculty of Medicine at Boston University. In 1983, he presented his theory in the book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and in 1990, was the first American to receive the Education Award GRAWMEYER the University of Louisville. In 1993, he published his extensive work "The multiple intelligence, in 1997, Extraordinary Minds". He also wrote fifteen books - Art, Mind and Brain, The unschooled mind, Art Education and Human Development and the New Science of Mind, among other titles, and several hundred articles. He became interested in psychology and allied disciplines. After becoming acquainted with Jerome Bruner (Jerome Bruner) and works by Piaget Gardner once again changed his specialty. In 1971, he defended his doctoral thesis on children's sensor systems. Together with Nelson Goodman, has developed a so-called "Project Zero" (Edward, Sternberg, 2003).

The next psychologist Edward Zigler is a sterling professor of Psychology, Emeritus, at Yale University. He ...