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The article 'How Thinking Can Change the Brain' written by Sharon Begley and published in Wall Street Journal on 20 Jan 2007, discusses the thinking of mind and its effect on brain. Dalai Lama helps scientists show the power of the mind to sculpt our gray matter. It is observed that generally, there is always a conflict between science and religion but Dalai Lama took a different approach by discussing with the scientist the recent development in the technological medication and to find ways to make his contribution.

Neuroplasticity was discussed in 2004. All that makes us human: memories, desires, values ??and knowledge, are carved in a web of 100,000 million neurons where everyone can connect up to another 10,000. S t is known that neurons "talk" to each other through areas junctions called synapses, where an axon makes contact with a dendrite or the body of another (Weiller, 1992, 463). In a mature nervous system, the electrical impulses that travel through these networks allow information to be transmitted from one neuron to another. Neuroplasticity is the possibilities for the brain to adapt to changing or modifying otherwise operate the routes that connect neurons. This produces effects on the functioning of neural circuits and brain organization (Cyranoski, 2005, 436).

The Dalai Lama, who had watched a brain operation during a visit to an American medical school over a decade earlier, he inquired the surgeons a startling inquiry “can the brain form mind matter? “. Neuroscientists clarified to him that mental chemical and electric contemplate alterations in the brain. When electric impulses zip-through our visual cortex, for example, we glimpse, when to neurochemicals course-through the limbic scheme we feel. Dalai Lama had certain thing concerned him about this explanation. Could it work in reverse? That is, in supplement to the increase of the mind to give wish, ideas, convictions, and strong sentiments that add to this thing we call the brain, possibly the countdown furthermore actions on the mind to origin personal alterations in the document identical material that conceived it. If so, then untainted considered would change the activities of brain, events or circuit structure of sexually transmitted infections STIs.

It is important; to discover questions that can be answered by scientific enquiry. The effects of meditation and neuroplasticity have implications far beyond the purely 'faith-based'. What could be discovered and achieved around conditions of neurological impairment such as Alzheimer's. Meditation has a definite effect by lowering blood pressure. After all, if rage and strong emotion can trigger angina pectoris and heart attack. That effects have only just been proved within the brain may say more about the medical belief in the immutability of brain than about meditation (York, 1995, 834).

One of the Neurosurgeons said that the personal situation premier to mental states down high ground causation from the mental to the personal is not possible. The Dalai Lama fallen the issue. This was not the first time researchers directed out the likelihood that the brain can ...
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