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Article Summaries

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Article Summaries

Article Summaries

1. Article Review on Diversity in the Workplace

The article I retrieved from Axia online library is titled“ Managers must handle multicultural workforce ”Fallon, Richard (2006, September 20) .


This article is about the change in the economy that is now affecting the Irish workplace. In addition, how managers must develop new skills that are set and focused on coping with and benefiting from diversity. Moreover, if they want to grow and become more successful how learning diversity will broaden horizons. This article is stressing the importance of management learning and being able to strive for a more diverse workplace. upervisors who have not taken advantage of diversity within their workplace will gain much information from this article. They will discover the opportunities that diversity in the workplace has to offer. Such as, understanding the current business environment and the major importance of strengthening personal development. In addition, another major component of a diverse workplace a supervisor will learn from this article is the essential need to understand their employees and treat them right.

2. Article: Jama, Studies of Sleep in Strange Places May Benefit People with Common Ills, American Medical Association, Chicago IL, August 28, 1996 Vol. 276 No. 8, pg.'s 587-589


This article is about a broad study about the sleeping patterns and needs of humans. It focuses on seven astronauts in space, a time isolation laboratory in the sea, and six thousand American's in their homes. All three of these studies are being done to help determine several things. What would the long term effects of long term space travel or life in space be on a humans? How are submariners affected by lack of non-artificial light for long periods of time as it pertains to sleep? What common health concerns can be addressed when we know more ...
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