Article Analysis

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Article Analysis

Article Analysis

1-Who is the author? How well known are they in the field? What is the author's research orientation and/ or theoretical framework?

The article “TQM practices and organizational performances of SMEs in Malaysia: Some empirical observations.” is written by Sadiq M. Sohail and Teo Boon Hoong, (2003). Ther are two authors of this article.

Sadiq M. Sohail is an Associate Professor at the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Department of Management & Marketing, Dahran 31261, Saudi Arabia. Where as Teo Boon Hoong is a Research Assistant, in Monash University Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia.

A quality measurement framework was developed for this article based on the critical success factors of the TQM program. Empirical research was carried out to determine the difference, if any, in the TQM implementation and organizational performances of SMEs with and without ISO 9000 certification.

2-What is the context of the article? How was the research funded etc?

The context of the article is regarding TQM, which is characterised by paradox: while supporting the empowerment of individuals and the autonomy of groups through transcending traditional job demarcations, TQM emphasises the articulation of work processes through standards and procedures (Sadiq et al., 2003: 62-77). Although TQM is a somewhat latest period in organisational development, its chronicled origins proceed back a long way. The twentieth 100 years conveyed a mechanistic outlook of organisations and output in particular. The technical administration values of the early part of the 100 years, espoused by Taylor, provided increase to doing well associated topics, for example data and command idea (1930s) and work study and procedures study in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. The latest era of TQM in the 1980s and 1990s as an sunshade for BPR, TPM, IIP, ISO, etc. has it origins in this ancestry. This mechanistic backdrop has produced in the “tool and technique” approach to much of the value efforts with a aim on enterprise effectiveness (Sadiq et al., 2003: 62-77).

3-What is the content of the article? Has the author formulated the problem or issue? Is it clearly defined? Has it significance, scope, severity, relevant, been clearly established?

The content of the article includes the basic attributes that the consumer expects when he/she buys the product, which is quality. If these are not present in sufficient quantities, the consumer experiences dissatisfaction. If the expected attributes are present, naturally the consumer is satisfied, but the interesting and crucial thing is that the degree of satisfaction will not necessarily be particularly high. The experience will be more or less neutral. (Sadiq et al., (2003: 62-77)

An investigation founded on extent of procedure was then undertaken. Organizations were grouped in two classes, the first being those functioning for less than 10 years and the second one being those in procedure for more than 10 years. An unaligned t-test did not uncover any important dissimilarities in most component assemblies, except for component assembly of “organizational command and performance” between declared and non-certified companies for companies functioned less than 10 ...
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