Arranged Marriages In Sri Lanka

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Arranged Marriages in Sri Lanka

Arranged Marriages in Sri Lanka

The usual opinion is that arranged marriages happen only in the east but this was not always so arranged marriages were happening even in Victorian Europe. With the industrial revolution and the end of the 2 world wars people`s attitudes and perceptions started changing as women started to join the workforce and they started to demand for their rights. In England for example most of the kings and queens had arranged marriages up until King George V the present Queen Elizabeth`s father broke tradition by marrying a commoner. Besides popular love lore like Soni Mahiwal, India always had a long tradition of arranged marriages. With the advent of the British, and the subsequent introduction of British education system more Indians got educated. These educated Indians in turn started to send their children to school and tried to educate their wives at home. The cause of women`s education and rights were also very much espoused by our social reformers. In spite of this the institution of arranged marriage persisted. Education and exposure to the media, started to make people to think and realize they need not be bound by tradition and they can choose their own marital partners without having to rely on parents, matchmakers, relatives or having to consult astrologers. This gave rise to love marriages.

The purpose of an arranged marriage is to form a new family unit by marriage while respecting the chastity of all people involved. As suggested by the term, an arranged marriage is typically arranged by someone other than the persons getting married, curtailing or avoiding the process of courtship. Such marriages are numerous in the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia. Other groups that practice this custom include the Unification Movement, royal families and Hindus. Note that the term `arranged marriage` is used even if the parents have no direct involvement in selecting the spouse. The match could be selected by a matchmaking agent, matrimonials site, or trusted third party. In many communities, priests or religious leaders as well as trusted relatives or family friends play a major role in matchmaking.

The pattern of arranged marriage may be employed for other reasons beside the formation of a promising new family unit. In such marriages, typically economic or legal reasons take precedence over the goal of selecting a well matching couple. Though critics are not always specific, criticism of arranged marriage usually targets abuses such as forced marriage and child marriage. In a forced marriage, the parents choose their son`s or daughter`s future spouse with no input from the son or daughter. This form of arranged marriage is rare in the Western world, but not quite as rare in other parts of the world. Occasionally, even if the son or daughter disapproves of the choice, the marriage simply takes place anyway, overriding their objections. To assure cooperation, the parents may threaten punishment, or in rare cases, ...
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