Army Profession Of Arms

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Army Profession Of Arms

Army Profession Of Arms


Professions produce uniquely expert work, not routine or repetitive work. Medicine, theology, law, and the military are ?social trustee forms of professions. Effectiveness, rather than pure efficiency, is the key to the work of professionals—the sick want a cure, the sinner wants absolution, the accused want exoneration, and the defenseless seek security.

Professionals require years of study and practice before they are capable of expert work. Society is utterly dependent on professionals for their health, justice, and security. Thus, a deep moral obligation rests on the profession, and its professionals, to continuously develop expertise and use that expertise only in the best interests of society—professionals are actually servants. The military profession, in particular, must provide the security which society cannot provide for itself, without which the society cannot survive, and to use its expertise according to the values held by the Nation (Halberstadt, 2003).

Discussion and Analysis

The U.S. Army's professional Ethic is built on trust with the American people, as well as with civilian leaders and junior professionals within the ranks. That trust must be re-earned every day through living our Ethic, which incidentally, can't be found now in any single document - a doctrinal omission this campaign will help change. The Army Today In 2007, General Casey established an Army Center for the Professional Military Ethic, first in Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic (SCPME) at West Point, then as a separate center devoted to all members of the Army Profession of Arms.

This past year the Center was renamed “CAPE,” or Center for the Army Profession and Ethic, and placed in TRADOC under the direction of Colonel Sean Hannah, and assigned Army-wide proponency for the Army profession, our ethic, and character development, but remaining at West Point. Many other things ...
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