Arizona Government

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Arizona Government

[Writer's Institute]

Arizona Government

Part # 01 - Arizona Statehood

Process of Arizona Becoming a State

State of Arizona was announced as a situation during the Progressive Movement of 1912. Most of the drafters of Arizona's framework were fervent Progressives, so it is not a situation of impact that the state's framework engaged remember, referendum and a lively effort. However, US president Taft who was a staunch competition of immediate democracy vetoed State of Arizona as statehood because the situation framework certified judges' remember. State of Arizona was necessary to eliminate the idol judges remember to be able to become a separate situation.

Arizona Chronology

Circa 10,000 B.C

The Prehistoric Period.

Circa 2,000 B.C

Development of Cochise Culture in Southern Arizona Region..

Circa 3,000 B.C

Settlement of Hohokam in South Arizona

1,000 B.C - 1,000 A.D

Construction of complex ceremonial structures along with agricultural canals by the people of Hohokam and Anasazi.

500 A.D

Period of Sinagua Farming in San Fransasco

700 A.D - 1100 A.D

Development in Anasazi Culture (Pueblo Period).

1276 A.D - 1299 A.D

The Great Drought in Arizona.

Circa 1300 A.D

Formation of Casa Grande near the River of Gila.

Circa 1400 A.D

Massive culture decline of the pre-historic groups.

Spanish Period

1528 - 1536

Odyssey of Xabeza de Vaca for Eight year to explore various regions.


Search of the City of Cibola by Fray Marcos - Greatest Spanish discovery.

1540 - 1542

Proclamation of Coronada for vast land area of Spain. European exploration of the south western region of Grand Canyon.


Advent of Franciscans in land of Arizona for the first time.

1687 - 1711

Various missions' formation by Father Kino in this period.


Major discovery of numerous chunks of silver engraved in the Arizonac region.


Revolution of Pima Indian against Jesuit missionaries.


Establishment of Tubac Presidio by Spanish people.


Spanish were replaced by Franciscans when the government expels Jesuits.


Discovery of California by Father Graces.


Establishment of Tucson.


Revolution of Tribe of Yuma. Father Graces were killed by the revolutionaries in this period.

1785 - 1821

Apache Campaign by Spanish troops for ultimate peace in the state.

1810 -1821

Early Mexican Revolution.

Mexican Period


Independence of Mexico from Spain.


Intervention of American mountain men in order to capture beaver.

1835 - 1836

War between Texas and Mexico which resulted in unbending strengths of Mexicans near United States.


Formal attack of the Mormon Battalion crossing Arizona on their tramp.

1846 - 1848

U.S Army fought war of Mexico and gained control over California and New Mexican region.

American Period


Gold discovery in California by the Gila Trial.


Negotiation and compromises upon admitting Union of territories that were acquired by Mexico as non-slave states.


America Army survey to study topology of Arizona.


Discovery of Copper in Arizona which was commercially valued.


Petition by the people of New Mexico for the creation of a separate territory for state of Arizona.


Butterfields Overland Stage Line of Arizona was drawn.


Civil War of US abandoned military posts in Arizona and New Mexico.


Formation of Fort Bowie in Apache Pass by US Army


Establishment of formal territory of Arizona along with appointment of Arizona officials by President Abraham Lincoln.


Official capital moved to Tucson.


Exploration of Grand Canyon by John Wesley Powell.

1870 - 1890

This era is known as the Silver age because of the ...
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