Medieval understanding science was mainly based on Aristotle's ideas, the ideas of Aristotle had for thousands of years until scientific revolution begin their reign. It was Newton, who helped transform natural philosophy into modern science.
Newton created the science of mechanics and laid the groundwork for the classical physics, he discovered the law of motion. These principles may seem obvious and simple physics today, but it was a new way of thinking at the time of Newton. Instead of seeing the mathematics as nothing more than a device for calculating that have no essential connection to reality, Newton found a simple and precise mathematical law which could be observed in detail. He was able to draw on the Kepler's and Galileo's work for the development of inverse law of gravity and movement. Kepler's Laws of planetary motion told us that the planets move onto some regular orbits of their distance from the Sun. Newton took another step forward to save the planets in the solar system in their orbits. He used the laws of Kepler's orbital motion, in 1687; he formulated the law of universal gravitation: force--seriously affects all objects. This force is different in mass and the distance between objects. Ideas invisible forces that control over matter without direct physical contact, of course, change the aspect of the universe in natural philosophy.
Basic concepts of the philosophy of Aristotle's character can be understood from its analysis. When Aristotle undertook to explain how it is that things are changing, apparent to anyone he had initially oppose snorted iron clad logic of Parmenides. Follow this logic, Parmenides had to a position that exists in reality did not change at all. All changes are only appearance; the reality is one and this one, which is unchanged. He was forced to ...