Argument Of Evaluation

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Argument of Evaluation

Euthanasia is the "bringing as regards of a fortunately easy and effortless death for persons in misery form an inoperable and excruciating disease." There are many contrasting opinions concerning this action. There are for major types of euthanasia and each has its people that agree with it and people against it. The following will examine the different ways people interpret euthanasia and its opposing views.

Euthanasia comes form Greek, meaning a "good death". Euthanasia is divided into four types: active voluntary, passive voluntary, active involuntary and passive involuntary. Voluntary means that a patient has decided to end his life. Involuntary means that a patient is not competent enough to make the decision and some else is to decide what is best. Active euthanasia is an actual lethal action is taken to end the patient's life (Rooke, 11-14). Passive euthanasia is to stop giving medication and to let the patient die by the illness.

Active voluntary euthanasia is a situation where a patient has decided to have a doctor assist in his death by some kind of lethal action. Intentional overdose or morphine drip, are example of lethal prescriptions for the patient. This method of euthanasia is clearly a form of suicide. Passive voluntary euthanasia is when the patient's choice is made to end his life by withdrawal of any help of prolonging his life. A living will is an example of passive voluntary euthanasia. A living will says that a patient is planning to die if he becomes incompetent. A do not resuscitate order (DNR) that is given by the patient is another example of this type of euthanasia (Williamson, 24-27).

Active involuntary euthanasia is to induce death without the consent of the patient. This is when the patient is not competent and the choice is made by the doctor or family to mercifully end the patient's life. Again an act of killing s involved. Passive involuntary euthanasia is also a type of induced death without the consent of the patient. An example of this would be when a family decides to not proceed with an operation for a patient in an irreversible coma (Rooke, 11-14). The family will withdraw medical help when it is deemed to be not beneficial.

There are many concerns that people have regarding the euthanasia and its many types. Some people agree with voluntary euthanasia and disapprove of involuntary. There are ones that agree with passive methods and ...
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