Are You Ready To Become A Parent?

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Are You Ready to Become a Parent?


There is no doubt that many people are drawn to the idea of having a baby. The desire for parenthood is a natural desire as well as a cultural convention. After a certain age your body begins to undertake a natural longing to reproduce, and society traditionally presents a perfect life as one including children. You never doubted you would be a parent someday, maybe now is the time.Introduction

Being a parent requires a huge commitment, though. When someone becomes a parent, their life is forever altered. You are no longer autonomous. Another life depends on you, and every decision you make must factor in the interests of the child. Parenthood isn't something to be taken lightly. A cooing baby can not be given back when she begins to cry. That fresh-faced infant still needs love and support when he's throwing up. They are not always cute, the responsibility is not always enjoyable. Children are not always easy. But they are always yours.

Literature review

Image building (conception to birth of the baby)

The young parents dream and build images of ideal parenting and of what they want to become before the baby is born. Parents are reminded of their past and how they were parented, to prepare for the financial needs care and upbringing.


Nurturing (Birth - 18 months)

Each child has specific wants and needs that require nurturing. By meeting the needs of the child, a positive relationship can be built, which consistently sends messages of love and support. Expressions of love and affection, listening to the child's ideas, feelings, problems and difficulties, kindness and sympathy, help the child to feel connected to the family and society. Parents build an attachment with the child and identify themselves as a parent, assess and understand what kind of parents they really are. Grand parents, parents in law, friends, and relatives find out how the parents handle this new role. This stage is critical in building trust, bond and close attachment between the parent and the child. Trust emerges as the child's basic needs for warmth, food, dryness of nappy, safety, eye contact, and touch are satisfied (Ahrons and Bowman 1999). The child's belief and trust of the parent as a dependable source forms the basis and establishes a firm foundation for all future relationships for the rest of the life. Numerous personal adjustments must be made by the mother to meet demands of the baby in terms of resting period, feeding schedule, managing the soiled clothes, maintaining contact, giving personal attention when the baby is at play and shows initiation to become mobile.


Authority (18 months to age 5years)

The parents become the persons in charge when the baby begins to walk and talk. This is the period when the parents set rules for the child's action and behaviour, decides

When to say yes and when to say no and prepares the child for separation that is to be away for schooling. The parents exercise utmost care to discipline, maintaining consistency, ...
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