Arabian Peninsula located in southwest Asia with an area of about 2.6 million sq km. includes Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and, Saudi Arabia as its constituent countries. The religion of Islam developed in this region in 7th century AD. It remained the centre of the caliphate until 661, after which the office was moved to the Umayyad dynasty in Damascus. After 1517, majority of the region came under the control of the Ottoman Empire. The people of Arab who used to live a nomadic life refused to obey the ruler in distant Istanbul. The people of Peninsula revolted consistently until World War I (1914-18), when the Ottoman Empire dissolved. Subsequently, individual nation-states followed their own histories, though many maintained close ties with European powers such as the United Kingdom.
Table of Contents
Table of Contentsiii
Thesis Statement4
Historical Background5
Ottoman Empire (1299-1923)5
Arabian Peninsula5
Control of Ottoman Empire over the Arabian Peninsula6
18th Century6
19th Century7
20th Century8
Rule of Ottoman Empire over the Arabian Peninsula
Thesis Statement
“The Ottoman Empire was partially effective in controlling the Arabian Peninsula. The Scenario differs in different regions and span of time”
Saudi Arabia had been under the Ottoman rule since the 16th century. The endeavor for a modern Saudi state in central Arabia began in 1744 when the local ruler, Muhammad ibn Saud, along with the Islamic reformer Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab created a new political entity. Throughout the 19th century, the Saudi rulers fought with Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and other Arabian families for control over the Arabian Peninsula. One of the successors of the Saud family, Abdul Aziz al-Saud, founded the modern state of Saudi Arabia in 1926. In 1932, he took the throne of the king of Hejaz and Najd and with the unification of these states, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was formed (Rasheed, 2002). On the other hand, Britain increased its control over many coastal areas in order to assure the safety of its ships carrying goods to India.
Nineteenth century saw less of an uproar and the Arabian Peninsula did not have much importance by the Ottoman Empire. It remained unaffected by the artistic and cultural developments at Istanbul. The Holy cities of Mecca and Medina received considerable attention when the Ottoman Empire renovated and enlarged the Haram Mosque and the Mosque of the Prophet. However, 20th century experienced some movements when the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf countries got the influence of the Western aesthetics and modern art.
Historical Background
In order to analyze the control of the Ottoman Empire over the American Peninsula, it is imperative to know the history of both the terms.
Ottoman Empire (1299-1923)
The Ottoman Empire was a Turkish-Muslim state that remained in power for more than six hundred years. It was one of the largest and longest-lived empires in history, and it represented one of the greatest civilizations of the modern period. Its territories, at its height, included part of Turkey called Anatolia, the Middle East, parts of ...