Applied Research Methods

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Applied Research Methods

Applied Research Methods


The management and leadership of human resources is one of the most pressing and important concerns for all organizations. Organizations are only as good as the individuals that compose them and leadership and management skills that shape and direct those individual contributions. The management of human resources is even more pressing because of the importance of the missions and vision that organizations serve (Filipe, 2011).

The idea of a formal human resource management department is often associated with large organizations that have many employees and with formalized processes for benefits and leave. The reality for many organizations is much different simply because of the nature of the sector itself. Organizations tend to be much smaller and less formal than organizations with formal human resource departments, but they nevertheless need to perform the functions embodied by formal human resource departments. Human resources practices apply to almost all organizations, including those that rely mainly on volunteers to accomplish their missions and visions (Balakrishnan, 2011).

Motivating the Employees

Having the right set of managerial skills is synonymous to developing healthy and professional relationships among the people in your workforce. In an ideal world, motivating an employee would be as easy as giving reassuring words or patting the person in the back. However, as a leader, you must recognize the fact that not all people are motivated the same way (Strasser, 2009). It would also help to take into consideration both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation when dealing with different kinds of people within the organization. An individual with intrinsic motivation is driven by emotions and feelings towards the task at hand. They must have that inner drive without necessarily having tangible rewards. Therefore, words of encouragement and recognition will certainly enhance their drive to perform. Others, however, have a different approach. Some have extrinsic motivation - they like to be rewarded with material gifts like incentives, bonuses, gift cheques and such. Indeed, there are so many things involved and to properly motivate a person, it requires the manager to think of different ways that will boost the morale of their people (Saunders, 2003).

Setting Expectations and Giving Feedback

Some people are not motivated to do their work because they don't know what is expected from them. It would help for managers to sit down and meet with individuals or a group to help them get a vision for the task or the project at hand. It doesn't stop with just giving them a task (Balakrishnan, 2011). You must gear them towards that vision and help them see the bigger picture. It also helps that you develop a good feedback system among peers as well as the management. Good managerial skills involve being able to set a time and the right moment to tell the person if he or she is doing the task right. This should be done privately and sensitively so that the person does not feel attacked in any way.

Establish a Climate of Trust

When people trust their leaders, they ...
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