Application Marketing

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Critical Success Factors in Application Marketing

Critical Success Factors in App Marketing


The world in which we live today is moving at a fast pace. In this rapidly changing world, the only thing that is constant is change. In this changing world people as consumers are becoming tech-savvy as well as organizations too are embracing the phenomenon of latest technologies and methodologies to market their products and to perform other functions. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about one such modern phenomenon of marketing. This phenomenon is of downloadable application marketing.

Definition of Downloadable Application Marketing

According to John et al, an application or a downloadable application can be described as software that is fixed or installed in a mobile phone so that it can perform particular functions. For instance, there is CBS Sports that provides a sports application with the help of which players can check in their teams and check scores of the games and stay updated with the latest happenings (John et al, 824).

Then there is another definition of downloadable application marketing given by Michael and John. According to them application or downloadable application marketing means placing free or paid application in the mobile phones. Through these applications organizations can provide content, information, other important messages and advertisement to the customers (Michael and John, 245). Just like application advertising, the message or the content of the advertising can also be placed in the downloadable content. This option of placing advertisement in downloadable content includes videos, ringtone and podcast. An organization can choose to sale the advertisement within the application so that the organization can cover the cost of the development of application or the maintenance cost of the application. On the other hand, an organization can also choose to place the advertisement by the owner of the application by paying him required amount (Michael and John, 245).

Besides adding or installing the application in the mobile phones there is another way with the help of which organizations and marketers can indulge in downloadable content advertisement. This method is of Digital OOH screens. The perfect thing to do with these digital screens is to place them near the point of sale such as in stores near the check out when customers wait in the line. At this time organizations can call customers to take actions. Danoo, a Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) network that places screens near POS, is doing just this almost all of their in-store campaigns in Q408 had a mobile component. They've been most surprised by the success of mobile content downloads through Bluetooth, citing a 30 percent download rate (Christopher, A-1).

Critical Analysis of the Article

The article that is considered here for the purpose of critical analysis is The Critical Success Factors for Marketing with Downloadable Applications: Lessons Learned from Selected European Countries. This article was published in the Journal of Mobile Marketing in the winter issue of 2010. The study was conducted by a number of researchers Rosanne Chiem, Jacob Arriola, Derek Browers, Jerome ...
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