Apple Iphone

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Software Product On Apple Iphone

Software Product On Apple Iphone


Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and manufactures consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include Macintosh computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Apple software includes the Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes media browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software; the iWork suite of productivity software; Aperture, a professional photography package; Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry software products; and Logic Studio, a suite of audio tools. As of January 2010 the company operates 284 retail stores in ten countries, and an online store where hardware and software products are sold.( Gil Amelio, 1999: 125)

Unlike certain technology reporters from, say, major national newspapers, I'll actually deliver meaningful reviews of the Apple iPhone 3G, iPhone Software 2.0, and MobileMe service after actually using them for reasonable amounts of time and interacting with them via Windows, the operating system that's used by most of Apple's customers. That day, alas, has not yet arrived, and in one case--the iPhone 3G--I don't even have the actual product to review, yet. That said, I've already spent some time with the iPhone 3G, and significant amounts of time with the other two products. So I'd like to offer my first look overviews of each, with an eye towards helping Windows users decide whether they should embrace or ignore these trend-setting products. In the coming weeks, I will flesh out these initial views into more thorough reviews. And as was the case last year with my multi-part review of the original iPhone, I think what you'll find here is something that's a lot more accurate and relevant than the hype-tastic baloney spewed by Apple's highly-placed fans.( Gil Amelio,1999 128)


The issue here, of course, is that while Apple and Microsoft compete in some ways--in PC operating systems, certainly, in smart phones, and somewhat in the digital media market--there's a much bigger crossover between the companies' users than many seem eager to admit. Most of Apple's customers, as it turns out, use Windows, not the Mac. That's because Apple's volume products--the iPod, the iPhone, iTunes, and, soon, MobileMe--are used by more Windows users than Mac users. So sure, covering Apple products on a site like the SuperSite for Windows is sometimes done from a competitive standpoint, as when I examine new versions of Mac OS X, for example. But more often than not, when writing about an Apple product here, what I'm really discussing is a product that's used by Windows users. A lot of Windows users. Products like iTunes and iPod, especially, are a big part of many Windows users' computing experiences, and because Apple's products are so influential--with both Microsoft and its customers--it just makes sense to keep an eye on this stuff.( Gil Amelio,1999 129)

I'd also point out that while Microsoft does have a smart phone platform, Windows Mobile isn't particularly interesting, innovative, or trendsetting, while ...
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