Apple Case Analysis

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Apple has emerged as of the leading brands, which has embarked a new paradigm amongst the organization, dealing in electronic consumer goods. Initially, Apple dealt in computers, being a leading competitor to PC but later they decided to go for a related diversification and entered in to a fully fledged customer electronic market, with the introduction of innovative product lines, such as, Apple I Pod and Apple I Phone. Millions of customers perceive Apple as a brand that signifies innovations, quality and self expressiveness. The best success of the Apple lies in its design and its organizational culture, which makes it harder for its competitor to copy and therefore, works as a competitive advantage for Apple.

Apple has always worked upon a dynamic approach of innovation and conformance quality. This worked, as a reason, for them to standout of other competing brands. Apple has always been known for bringing in the unconventional and new business ideas, which ultimately redefine the benchmarks of the products, process, brand image and overall marketing strategy. Soon, as any successful organization, Apple started facing the music for their operations and their actions. Even after being one of the most successful organizations, Apple got criticized for many of the ethical issues, which created a mini dent on their brand and them as an organization.

These ethical issues include product complains, environmental issues as well as issue regarding infringement of privacy. However in numerous cases, Apple also became victim, when its proprietary resources got used and replicated by many other organizations. But this protective behaviour also worked as the one of the problems for Apple, as critics claimed that it is merely an effort to undermine the rising competitors and nothing else.


The impact of Apple's philosophy in overcoming the issues

The first and foremost advantage of Apple is the loyalty and the determination of its employees. Each and every employee that works at Apple works as their evangelist and make a great contribution keep their brand name as a one which is positive and soft. These employees tends to believe in the core values of the organization and makes it sure that the similar thoughts transferred to the public, of which most are the customers and prospects. This in return brought not only the brand loyalty, in the form of loyal customers, but also helped in mitigating the negative image of the organization in order to make it sure that Apple managed to be known as the organization that believes in innovation and convenience proposition, by being equally balanced with its social responsibilities and ethics. Furthermore, it can also be seen that these customers further diffused the positive image of the brand, hence created an interminable chain, which resulted in global brand advocacy. Apple's philosophy also included an environment, in their retail stores, through which the customer should feel welcomed as well as comfortable enough, to check the product in every way before they actually purchase it. Hence having a command over such touch points, ...
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