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Antiterrorism Strategies Home and Abroad

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This paper explores the topic of terrorism, which has gained a lot of concern in the recent years. The study focuses on the strategies of Antiterrorism that are being used at home and at abroad. United States has been a victim of Terrorism since a long time, and this problem still exists today. In 2001, when US was faced by the several terrorist attacks, only then it struck the significance of making a policy that would focus on the issue of terrorism. Government of United States realized the importance of establishing a department whose primary function would be to work on the anti terrorism. US need to protect its citizens not only within the borders but also those US democratic and government officials who are located outside the country.

Table of Content




Homeland Security Committee2

Need for Domestic Intelligence2

Possible Solutions4

No Concessions4


Economic Sanctions5

Forces of Military6

Conventions and Negotiating Treaties6

Addressing the Causes of Terrorism6

Defensive Measures against Terrorism7

Disrupting Groups of Terrorists8

Hindrances in Antiterrorism9




Antiterrorism Strategies Home and Abroad


The terrorism issue has become a serious concern, not only in US but all around the world. It encompasses the use of terrorism as a mean to get revenge and to suppress. Many scholars agree that terrorism is a mere abstract notion with no essence. The significance of the terrorism issue draws the attention from the increasing number of casualties. The term 'terrorism' can be defined as that terrorism is the unlawful use of force or aggression or an coordinated assembly against persons or house with the aim of threatening or forcing societies or authorities. Terrorizing activities are often carried out for ideological or political reasons.

The United States is, and has long been, the primary target of a variety of foreign terrorist organizations. The country itself (as has also long been the case) has remained relatively protected from these escalations of terrorist violence. Although the United States is a country that is most often targeted by terrorists abroad, it is near the bottom of the list in terms of the number of terrorist attacks within its own line of borders. However, several researches has been conducted regarding terrorism and the best suited strategies to combat but none of it have produced 100% positive results (Silke, 2001).

In 2001, after the 9/11 attacks in the United States, George W. Bush created the United States Department of Homeland Security. It is the largest federal Government reorganization, after the Department of Defense was established by the National Security Act of 1947. The new department comprises of a large number of services, offices and other associations previously contained by other agencies, such as the, Coast Guard, Culture Service and United States Secret Service. The motive behind establishing the hone land security department was 'war on terror'. The central operation of this security department is to limit the terrorist attacks within the boundaries of joint states. This department has proved to reduce the exposure of the United States to terrorism. Further, it also controls the damage, and helps in the revival, from ...
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