Anti-Infective /Antibiotic Agents

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Anti-infective /Antibiotic Agents

Anti-infective /Antibiotic Agents


The major purpose behind writing this paper is to understand the major classes of antibiotics and the possible adverse effects that these medications. Further there is also a case analysis .We will commence by understanding the difference between both anti infective and antibiotic agents. For this paper our major concern is on antibiotic agents.


Anti Infective

Anti infective drugs are basically responsible for acting against infections by inhibiting the spread of an infectious cause or in most cases by killing the infectious agent. Anti infective is a general terminology that encompasses antibiotics, antifungal, antibacterial, antiprotozoan and antiviral (Anonymous, 2011).


A drug used to cure infections caused by bacteria and other similar microorganism. Initially an antibiotic was a substance produced from a microorganism that hinders the growth of another. The origin of antibiotics is derived from the Greek word anti meaning against and bios which means life. Antibiotics are considered as powerful medicines that restrain the growth of infectious bacteria and thus protect the body.

Antibiotics have been used for the treatment of plants, animals and humans since 1930's. Antibiotics can only fight against bacteria and are not effective against viral infections such as flu, cold, sore throat, bronchitis. In case antibiotics are taken against viral infections there is a possibility that it may cause further harm to the body. This happens since the antibiotic has no effect on the viral and there is a possibility of developing antibiotic resistant bacteria, thus when a bacterial infections arises the antibiotic is unable to kill them. The first ever antibiotic discovered was penicillin by Alexander Fleming, currently there are more than a hundred antibiotics produced both naturally and synthetically.

Classes of Antibiotic Agents

There are numerous classes of antibiotics since there are over 100 types of antibiotics .The major method of segregating antibiotics is on the basis of how they act against bacteria. The major categorize of antibiotics are as follows:









Mechanism of action of each antibiotic class


Penicillin can also be termed as a beta lactam, penicillin is basically responsible for destroying the cell walls of the infectious bacteria while they are undergoing reproduction. Penicillin is a group of antibiotics that comprises of; Amoxicillin, nafcillin, ticarcillin, cloxacillin, ampicillin, penicillin G and V. Penicillins are majorly used for the purpose of treating infections related to ear, eyes, respiration, teeth and skin.


Macrolides antibiotics are responsible for constricting the protein development in the infecting bacteria which basically prevents protein biosynthesis. Macrolides are used in those patients who are sensitive towards penicillin .The major Macrolides used include Erythromycin, azithromycin and clarithromycin. Macrolides are used for various infections of the respiratory system, gastric tract some of the major adverse effects of using Macrolides include nausea and diarrhea. Pregnant women are never given Macrolides.


Polypeptides are extremely toxic in nature, therefore they are only used on the skin surface, if the Polypeptides are injected into the skin there is a possibility of damage in the nerves or the kidneys. The major Polypeptide antibiotics used include; colistin, polymyxin B and bacitracin


Fluoroquinolones are considered to ...
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