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Anti War Attempts

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Anti War Attempts


The term "antiwar" usually refers to opposition to a nation in particular the decision to start or continue an armed conflict. The term can also refer to pacifism, which is the opposition to any use of military force during conflicts. Many activists had distinguished between anti-war movements and peace movements. The anti-war activists are putting pressure on a government (or governments) to end a war or conflict (Link, 365). The First World War, Great War occurred between 1914 and 1918, was known to his contemporaries under the name Great War. One of the causes that produced this war was with German foreign policy, in which Bismarck intended to prevent the creation of coalition's antialemnas and isolate France, all this is achieved through two sets of alliances: the Triple Alliance formed by Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary and the Treaty of Reinsurance, consisting of Germany and Russia. All of this happened until 1890, but starting this year, the fall of Bismarck led to the initiation of global policy of William II, who led the conquest of the colonial empire.

The objective was to Germany in 1890, compared to the UK, the world leader. All this led to a naval competition that made the Triple Entente would produce formed by Britain, France and Russia. On the other hand, there were colonial crises in Morocco and the Balkans (Vought, 97). In Morocco there were Germans because of opposition to the French protectorate in Morocco and the Balkans because they had conflicting interests between Russia, Austria-Hungary and a rivalry between Serbia and Austria. Later, Japan and the United States expanded across the Pacific and Austria-Hungary and Italy remained in the Triple Alliance with Germany. The problem that prompted countries to interesasen in this World War was the conflict in the Balkans. Although the trigger that caused this war would produce was the murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne and his wife in Sarajevo (Livermore, 16). In this paper we are going to focus on antiwar war attempts of President Woodrow Wilson's other activities to keep United States Of America out of WW1 in addition we will also identify consequences of failures of these attempts.

President Woodrow Wilson's attempts

There once was a man named Woodrow Wilson, who in 1913 became the twenty-eighth President of the United States. President Wilson tried by all means keep the isolation of his country, but various events caused a radical change on the world stage. At the beginning of the war America declared itself as a neutral country. Wilson devoted himself to the project to create an international league after the war and calls for "peace without victory " or " white peace.

A few months before the United States participate in the war; Wilson began planning arrangements for peace on Earth. According to his biographer, Gene Smith, he devised "the establishment of a League or League of Nations, which would provide a forum for dispensing justice to all men and eliminate the threat of war forever." His dream ...
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