Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Ashcroft, R. (2002). Training and expert persona for teachers in alternate learning settings. Clearing dwelling, 73 (2), 82-85.

“The author presents information regarding the training and professional identity of teachers in alternative education settings. He administered a teacher survey on the adequacy of training and presents his results. The author discusses the various aspects of pre-service preparation and teacher identity development in alternative or corrective education, as opposed to teachers in general education or special education settings.”

Bailey, K.A. (2001). Legal implications of profiling scholars for violence. Psychology in the Schools, 38 (2), 141-155.

“The author stated youth violence profiling raises legal concerns regarding the validity and utility of profile measurement tools and their interaction with potential discriminatory practices, search and seizure, and implications for student privacy. Profiling is problematic when it is used to support alternative education referrals due to racial, gender, and other personal characteristic bias. Additionally, profiling hinders confidentiality policies in school and in the surrounding community. The author stated that more information is needed regarding the validity of profiles as scientific tools, specifically examining objectivity, accuracy, sensitivity, over-inclusiveness, and general scientific acceptance.”

Daugherty, M. & Compton, J. (2000). Community service academics and at-risk high school students. High School periodical, 80 (1), 38-48.

“This study examined the effects of school programs that integrate community service, academic courses, and vocational work for at-risk high schools students. Research focused on documenting student change in the areas of self-esteem, self-confidence, knowledge and work skills awareness, and work concepts and ethics. Pre- and post-measures demonstrated no significant differences on self-esteem and locus of control. Qualitative analysis of student journals, focus group interactions, and evaluative feedback indicated student development of self-esteem, self-confidence, and positive attitudes toward work. Awareness of community services and diversity populations increased positively over the course of the study according to student responses. Data analysis revealed students learned about children, the elderly, mental illness, and their personal abilities in working with these groups. When community service was linked to course content, students reported that they gained insight and knowledge in sociological and work-related concepts.”

Gregory, T. (2001). Fear of success? Ten ways alternate schools drag their punches. Phi Delta Kappan, 82 (8), 577-582.

“The author of this article examines the relationship between alternative schools and their surrounding districts and communities. He states his opinion that alternative schools are delaying achievement of educational reform by keeping a low district profile. The author discusses efficacy in alternative schools (people, identity, equity, and programs) and states the opinion that staff overestimate roadblocks to education's structural changes. He provides tactics for administrators and teachers in combating bureaucracy within the system.”

Kapp, D.R. & Breslin, B. (2001). Restorative fairness in school communities. Youth & humanity, 33 (2), 249-272.

“numerous school localities have taken up punitive answers to recent acts of school violence. The authors explore implementation of restorative justice practices in school districts in Minnesota, Colorado, and Pennsylvania. They examine how the restorative approach can be utilized to address school problems, specifically drug and alcohol, and ...
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